搜尋:t~t 在 書畫 分類當中


名繪集珍 冊 唐閻立德問道圖

名繪集珍 冊 唐閻立德問道圖

, and rocks is close to that of Li T'ang (ca. 1050-after 1130), but the painting is traditionally attributed.....more

宋賢書翰 冊 宋薛紹彭詩帖

宋賢書翰 冊 宋薛紹彭詩帖

collection of calligraphy from the Chin and T'ang. He specialized in running, cursive, and regular script.....more

清余省花卉 軸

清余省花卉 軸

蓋,朱白相映,時雖凍寒,却是生意盎然。 &* Yü Sheng, tzu (style name) Ts’eng-san, hao (sobriquet) Lu-t’ing.....more

清張廷彥中秋佳慶 軸

清張廷彥中秋佳慶 軸

群臣與樂工之伴隨下,賞秋月於樓台之上。畫風似以明院畫為楷模,但筆法略覺疎散。 &*The Mid-Autumn Festival Chang T’ing-yen (fl.1735-1749) Ch.....more

清金廷標畫?花壽石 軸

清金廷標畫?花壽石 軸

競放。四周綴以亂筆雜草,增添畫面生意。 &* Chin T’ing-piao was a native of Wu-ch’eng, Chekiang. He excelled as a figure.....more

清金廷標畫碧桃 軸

清金廷標畫碧桃 軸

境之感。 &* Chin T’ing-piao was a native of Wu-ch’eng in chekiang. His tzu (style name) was Shih-ku’ei.....more

清徐揚仿宋人畫天王像(二) 軸

清徐揚仿宋人畫天王像(二) 軸

and combined with the famed T’ang general Li Ching, known as Heavenly King Li Holding a Pagoda.....more

元人三羊開泰圖 軸

元人三羊開泰圖 軸

(the Book-of-Changes) is "T’ai-kua" or the Diagram of Prosperity; its symbol is 三三三. The three solid lines.....more

明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 湯

明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 湯

of “Annals of Yin” in Records of the Grand Historian relates how King T’ang of the Shang saw somebody use.....more

五代梁關仝兩峰插雲 冊頁

五代梁關仝兩峰插雲 冊頁

, this painting has a flavor characteristic of late Ming works. Kuan T'ung was from Ch'ang-an, Shensi.....more

五代周文矩水榭看鳧 冊頁

五代周文矩水榭看鳧 冊頁

-in-Attendance at the Southern T'ang court who specialized in depicting figures, especially ladies.....more

披薰集古 冊 明文徵明山水

披薰集古 冊 明文徵明山水

, was originally named Pi. His style names were Cheng-ming and Cheng-chung, and his sobriquets T'ing-yü.....more

五代梁荊浩匡廬圖 軸

五代梁荊浩匡廬圖 軸

in the Hung Valley located in the T'ai-hang mountains, after which he took the sobriquet "Man of Hung Valley.....more

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁

it to Chu Jui. It is similar in style to the fifth leaf in the album An-t'ung ts'e by chu Tz'u-chung.....more

名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏

名繪集珍 冊 無款荷亭銷夏

with trees, it appears to be in the style of the Li T'ang (ca. 1049-after 1130) schoo1. However.....more


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