搜尋:trees 在 書畫 分類當中


明人畫扇 冊 明周臣萬壑秋風

明人畫扇 冊 明周臣萬壑秋風

trees in the mountains looking back towards a waterfall. The pine breeze is refreshing as it blows.....more

明黃炳中申時行適適圃圖 冊 牡丹亭

明黃炳中申時行適適圃圖 冊 牡...

fence. Stylistically the figures, trees, and rocks resemble those of Shen Chou (1427-1509.....more

元人秋林瑞靄 軸

元人秋林瑞靄 軸

dominated by a stream winding diagonally towards the back. The trees on either bank are lush.....more

宋人畫子母牛 軸

宋人畫子母牛 軸

. This painting is approximately 6' x 5' with the cowherd, willow trees, cow and calf distributed in such a way.....more

清陸恢仿北苑溪山圖 軸

清陸恢仿北苑溪山圖 軸

üan. Hills, trees, and rocks extend back into the lush and distant mountains, the brush and ink.....more

清王雲仿李營丘寒林鴉陣圖 軸

清王雲仿李營丘寒林鴉陣圖 軸

after a work by the Northern Song artist Li Cheng. With a few wintry trees depicted by the shore.....more

元朱德潤林下鳴琴 軸

元朱德潤林下鳴琴 軸

is a group of three scholars sitting under a cluster of trees along the shore. One of them is strumming.....more

元人寒林圖 軸

元人寒林圖 軸

depicts a river bank with winter trees heavily festooned with trailing vines. The ripples over the surface.....more

元張舜咨畫古木飛泉 軸

元張舜咨畫古木飛泉 軸

of several ancient trees standing along a rocky embankment. Aside from the distant mountain ridges.....more

宋郭熙觀碑圖 軸

宋郭熙觀碑圖 軸

distance of wintry trees. Two figures appear viewing a stele as four attendants stand behind their horses.....more

元人秋景戲嬰 軸

元人秋景戲嬰 軸

by trees and rocks. Some pick flowers to adorn their hair, others play with a rabbit or call.....more

元趙孟頫百祿圖 卷

元趙孟頫百祿圖 卷

for “official pay,” thus symbolizing government position. The pine trees in the painting also represent.....more

宋蔡肇仁壽圖 軸

宋蔡肇仁壽圖 軸

favorite subject were ancient trees with bare branches and strangely-shaped rocks. This painting.....more

明人畫花鳥 軸

明人畫花鳥 軸

趣之春景畫面。這種柳燕、杏花、水禽之春景,常見於呂紀一派的宮廷花鳥畫。本幅畫柳石、羽禽亦出呂紀一派畫法。&*Depicted in this album leaf are withered trees.....more

明唐寅西洲話舊圖 軸

明唐寅西洲話舊圖 軸

when he was in ill health. A careful examination of the wilted trees, twigs, and palm leaves.....more


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