搜尋:site 在 書畫 分類當中


明人畫七星古檜圖 軸

明人畫七星古檜圖 軸

. Located in Chiang-shu, Kiangsu province, they became a famous site. Artists in the Ming dynasty who.....more

宋人牧牛圖 軸

宋人牧牛圖 軸

: it is a perfect site for tending water-buffalo. Six buffalos, some young and some old, are being tended.....more

五代前蜀李昇岳陽樓圖 冊頁

五代前蜀李昇岳陽樓圖 冊頁

'ung-yen to compose a record, which became as famous as the site itself. The tower here is located.....more

宋人黃鶴樓圖 軸

宋人黃鶴樓圖 軸

,色彩豔麗而不失雅緻,時代以風格論,當非宋,而為十五世紀以後。&*The original site of the Yellow Crane Palace is at She Mountain.....more

清顧澐山水 冊 小靈鷲山館圖

清顧澐山水 冊 小靈鷲山館圖

to Sun’s site, also alluding to the idea of living in reclusion. The style is pure and elegant.....more

明王寵書韓愈送李愿歸盤谷序 卷

明王寵書韓愈送李愿歸盤谷序 卷

part of the T'ai-hang Mountains in Honan province and was the site of reclusion for Han Yu's friend Li.....more

清王原祁倣米芾雲山 軸

清王原祁倣米芾雲山 軸

, is encircled by smaller peaks. The artist has depicted the actual site of a river hamlet with summer rain just.....more

明劉原起靈巖積雪圖 軸

明劉原起靈巖積雪圖 軸

to the west of Soochow. In the Spring and Autumn Period at this site, King Wu had the Kuan-wa Palace built.....more

清王原祁畫山水 冊 仿米氏雲山

清王原祁畫山水 冊 仿米氏雲山

by smaller peaks. The artist has depicted the actual site of a river hamlet with summer rain just clearing.....more

明居節仿唐寅雁宕山圖 卷

明居節仿唐寅雁宕山圖 卷

, so the artist may not have actually visited the site. Chü Chieh, a native of Soochow in Kiangsu.....more

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款赤壁圖

歷代畫幅集冊 冊 無款赤壁圖

to this site. Though only part of the Red Cliff is shown, its unique features can still be seen. Thus.....more

明祝允明行楷書岳陽樓記 冊頁

明祝允明行楷書岳陽樓記 冊頁

for personal expression. It stands out in the literature dealing with this site. Chu Yun-ming was a famous.....more

元吳鎮後赤壁賦圖 軸

元吳鎮後赤壁賦圖 軸

as one of the figures in the boat. The site was immortalized by Su's odes composed after trips he.....more

明文伯仁西洞庭山圖 軸

明文伯仁西洞庭山圖 軸

Dongting Mountain is located in Lake Tai and is the site of many relics and scenic spots, being famous.....more

明錢穀石湖圖 卷

明錢穀石湖圖 卷

. Wen Cheng-ming and Wen Chia both did paintings on this site. Ch’ien Ku, a native of Wu-hsien.....more

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