搜尋:scene 在 書畫 分類當中


宋趙伯駒仙山樓閣 軸

宋趙伯駒仙山樓閣 軸

but in such a manner as to preserve the clarity of the scene. The white clouds emanating from the depths.....more

鏤繪集錦 冊 鶺鴒

鏤繪集錦 冊 鶺鴒

It is looking at a shrimp in the crevice of the rock as butterflies flit in this natural and vivid scene.....more

清張宗蒼石湖霽景 軸

清張宗蒼石湖霽景 軸

山掩映,風景勝絕,是蘇州名勝之一。此幅是「姑蘇十六景」的一幅,畫行春橋、楞伽山、治平寺諸景。以淡青設色,表現雨過天青,湖水清澈,山巒明淨的感覺。 &*Snow Scene at Stone Lake.....more

明花卉畫冊 冊 明陳洪綬花卉

明花卉畫冊 冊 明陳洪綬花卉

and bees fly about the blossoms. One look at this colorful scene of flowers on an autumn day brings.....more

宋人浴鵝圖 軸

宋人浴鵝圖 軸

to look at the apricot blossoms. This scene, because of a clever pun, represents the wish that the emperor.....more

元王淵鷹逐畫眉 軸

元王淵鷹逐畫眉 軸

its pursuer. The artist has effectively captured the tension and action of the scene.....more

明蔣嵩歸漁圖 軸

明蔣嵩歸漁圖 軸

as “heretic” by more conservative Wu School painters. In this peaceful autumn scene, the waters on the lake.....more

清胡錫珪修竹仕女 軸

清胡錫珪修竹仕女 軸

a walk in a bamboo grove. A few slender stalks of bamboo are scattered in a fresh and serene scene.....more

宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊 花港觀魚

宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊 花港觀...

and describes a scene of viewing fishes in the Bay of Blossoms. The shadowy roof of a temple appears.....more

元吳廷暉龍舟奪標 軸

元吳廷暉龍舟奪標 軸

accentuate this raucous scene. 本幅 124.1x65.6公分、全幅 84.8公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 吳廷暉 數位化執行單位:國立故宮博物院 元吳廷暉龍舟奪標 軸.....more

五代南唐顧閎中畫韓熙載夜宴圖 卷

五代南唐顧閎中畫韓熙載夜宴圖 ...

paint what he saw. This painting which includes only eight figures represents the last scene.....more

元巴顏布哈古壑雲松圖 軸

元巴顏布哈古壑雲松圖 軸

of clouds. A hoary old pine commands a high position on the rock and rules this scene of unexpectedly.....more

五代後蜀黃筌竹梅寒雀圖 軸

五代後蜀黃筌竹梅寒雀圖 軸

。&* In a wintry snow scene, a waxwing, grosbeaks, one mynah, and sparrows perch on the bamboo and plum branches.....more

五代後蜀黃筌竹林鵓鴿圖 軸

五代後蜀黃筌竹林鵓鴿圖 軸

painting conveys a happy scene of contentment in nature full of activities. The painter so much.....more

元郭畀雪竹 卷

元郭畀雪竹 卷

as this riverbank scene is hushed in stillness. Kuo's style of painting is quite exquisite here.....more


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