搜尋:rocks 在 書畫 分類當中


宋錢選蘭亭觀鵝圖 卷

宋錢選蘭亭觀鵝圖 卷

inspired by the sinuous movements of the long necks of geese. The rocks were painted in thin.....more

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

元盛懋江楓秋艇 卷

as well as figures and birds-and-flowers. In painting the mountains and rocks here, the artist has used.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋李唐大江浮玉

集古名繪 冊 宋李唐大江浮玉

rises in the center of the painting and is surrounded by complementary rocks. Trees.....more

明仇英秋江待渡 軸

明仇英秋江待渡 軸

of the rocks and mountains are similar to axe-cut texture strokes--thick but not lumpy, fine but not frag.....more

明仇英蕉陰結夏 軸

明仇英蕉陰結夏 軸

. 1494-1552) Ming Dynasty This work shows 2 scholars seated facing each other by tall rocks.....more

明仇英桐陰清話 軸

明仇英桐陰清話 軸

refined scholars. The brushwork for the towering rocks is powerful yet fluid while the contrast in ink.....more

明呂紀杏花孔雀 軸

明呂紀杏花孔雀 軸

the trees and rocks are typical of his style. &*牡丹富貴、孔雀華麗,「雀」、「爵」諧音,象徵高官祿位,皆符合宮廷的氣氛,頗有取景於御花園之意。全幅筆法沉著精工,青綠鉛.....more

明陸治天池石壁 軸

明陸治天池石壁 軸

of maturity and was original in appearance, particularly in his texturing of mountains and rocks.....more

唐盧鴻草堂十志圖 卷

唐盧鴻草堂十志圖 卷

to the unity of the natural environment. His trees and rocks appear archaic, and his brushwork.....more

明陸治練川草堂圖 卷

明陸治練川草堂圖 卷

and rocks in the painting are executed in a manner resembling Ni Tsan’s, a style Lu learned in his ear.....more

宋人花王圖 軸

宋人花王圖 軸

. In front are two garden rocks, one large and the other small. The holes eroded through them have.....more

宋人戲貓圖 軸

宋人戲貓圖 軸

and kittens playing among ornamental rocks, flowers, plants, and furniture. This garden setting has.....more

宋人冬日嬰戲圖 軸

宋人冬日嬰戲圖 軸

strokes of the rocks and the children's features and hands are all of the same.....more

名畫琳瑯 冊 明文嘉石湖秋色

名畫琳瑯 冊 明文嘉石湖秋色

after rain, just before the mist evaporates. Trees and rocks have a luxuriant beauty to them. Spring.....more

明史端木仿黃公望山水 軸

明史端木仿黃公望山水 軸

in an unrestrained manner. He also painted figures, flowers and birds, and strange rocks in an original manner.....more


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