搜尋:rocks 在 書畫 分類當中


明文伯仁畫天池石壁 軸

明文伯仁畫天池石壁 軸

for unusual rocks and precipitous cliffs, being known as one of the scenic.....more

清顧瑛畫罌粟 軸

清顧瑛畫罌粟 軸

. This work in colors depicts stalks of poppies set off by rocks and grasses in front. All the stems.....more

明王諤畫溪橋訪友 軸

明王諤畫溪橋訪友 軸

awaits. The surfaces of the rocks and mountain are textured by broad axe-cut strokes, with additions.....more

宋人倣張僧繇山水 軸

宋人倣張僧繇山水 軸

." In this painting, the artist has likewise filled the mountains and rocks with washes of color. Instead.....more

明尤求書閣早梅 軸

明尤求書閣早梅 軸

勁,墨色渲染厚重,蒼秀之色撲人眉宇,一種清幽靜謐的氣氛,引人入勝。 &*The technique and composition of the rocks and trees.....more

明陳祼洗硯圖 軸

明陳祼洗硯圖 軸

“The Poetic Idea of Washing the Inkstone.” Brush and ink are relaxed and flowing, and the rocks.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋虞允文書劄子

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋虞允文書...

of bamboo and rocks by the famous Northern Song scholar Wen Tong and rare books from Sichuan.....more

明藍瑛畫雪景 軸

明藍瑛畫雪景 軸

and rocks are done simply with short axe-cut strokes with washes. Brushwork is direct and mature.....more

名繪集珍 冊 五代周文矩按樂圖

名繪集珍 冊 五代周文矩按樂圖

rocks and plantains. In the palace are five female musicians; two of them play bamboo pipes.....more

清蔣廷錫桂花 軸

清蔣廷錫桂花 軸

and untrammelled. Chiang occasionally depicted “broken-branch” flowers and rocks in monochrome ink.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅

宋人集繪 冊 無款寒山行旅

and rocks, piling up like curling clouds, have been described with a swift, vigorous brush.....more

清吳歷梅花山館 軸

清吳歷梅花山館 軸

and plum orchards emerge and vanish in the clouds. It is an elegant scene. The mountains and rocks.....more

清禹之鼎山水 軸

清禹之鼎山水 軸

, mountains and rocks, the forms all show an abundance of natural movement. 本幅 105.8x48公分、全幅 76公分 清聖祖康熙四十.....more

清唐岱畫歸隱圖 軸

清唐岱畫歸隱圖 軸

sides bounded by winding streams. The brush was applied delicately. Rocks and mountain faces.....more

元倪瓚王蒙合作山水 軸

元倪瓚王蒙合作山水 軸

Rocks and Pines". Ni then rendered a copy, which he gave to his friend Wen-po and which is the wor.....more


rocks 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋