故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁145-146 &故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁101&本幅畫梅花、山茶,雜以蘭花、竹子。兩個兒童在花下遊戲:一個手拿小旗一面,一個手拿一紅線纏著的孔雀羽毛,逗引小貓。這幅畫的筆墨和蘇漢臣秋庭戲嬰圖很相似,山石的皴法,孩童的開臉,衣紋的描法,都很神似,尺寸大小也相仿。很可能這兩幅畫是同一人的作品,也可能原來是四景屏風中的冬景。&This work depicts two children and a kitten playing. Bamboo and orchid plants are scattered among blossoming plums and camellias. Two children play beneath the flowering trees. One waves a small pennant; the other dangles a peacock feather. This work closely resembles Su Han-ch'en's (early 12th century) Children At Play. Such detail as the texture strokes of the rocks and the children's features and hands are all of the same spirit. Even the dimensions of the painting are the same as Children At Play. It is possible that the two painting were executed by the same hand and were once part of a set depicting children playing in a garden setting during each of the four seasons.&本幅畫冬日庭院?,兩個兒童在花下遊玩。其筆墨、人物造型和蘇漢臣(活動於十二世紀)秋庭戲嬰圖相似,尺寸大小也相仿,應為同一人所作,可能為四景屏風中的冬景。&This work depicts two children playing with a kitten. Bamboo and orchid plants are found along with blossoming plum and camellia. The two children play beneath the plum blossoms. The older girl holds a small pennant, while the boy (her brother?) dangles a peacock feather from a string to entice the kitten into chase. This work closely resembles Su Han-ch'en's (fl. 12th c.) Children at Play in an Autumn Garden in the Museum collection. Details of the rocks and children appear very similar. Even the dimensions of the two works are the same. It is possible that they were executed by the same hand and once formed part of a set depicting children playing in garden settings during each of the four seasons.&本幅畫姐弟兩人,在冬日庭院中逗貓戲耍的情景,庭院一角的湖石後梅花與山茶盛開著,其間又雜以蘭花、竹子。雖以梅花、山茶來暗示冷冷的冬天,但畫家卻利用溫暖的紅黃色系,盛開的花朵,將畫面安排得明麗爽朗,不覺有絲毫寒意,反而結組成一派和煦的情調。畫中姐姐手裡拿著一面色彩斑斕的旗子,弟弟則以紅線纏著孔雀羽毛,正逗弄一旁玩耍的花貓。無論神情、姿態皆栩栩如生。這幅畫的筆墨、皴法、描法與《蘇漢臣秋庭戲嬰圖》相似,尺寸大小也相仿,有學者認為這兩幅畫很可能是同一畫家的作品,也可能四景屏風中的冬景,然在構圖搭配的完整性上較不如。 本幅鈐有清宮收藏印,然石渠寶笈初編未見著錄。(童文娥)