搜尋:reason 在 書畫 分類當中


明人觀音大士像 軸

明人觀音大士像 軸

wisdom. Samantabhadra rides a white elephant to the right and represents reason. Thus, they reflect.....more

明人畫普賢大士像 軸

明人畫普賢大士像 軸

wisdom. Samantabhadra rides a white elephant on the right and is in charge of reason. Appearing.....more

宋人清江漁隱 軸

宋人清江漁隱 軸

of Chao Yung (1290-?). For this reason, the painting was perhaps done sometime in the late Yü.....more

明陳洪綬花蝶寫生 軸

明陳洪綬花蝶寫生 軸

蝶蛾 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1145 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁481-482&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁97-98&*1.王耀庭,〈陳洪綬花蝶寫生〉,收入國立故宮.....more

元趙肅書母衛宜人墓誌 卷

元趙肅書母衛宜人墓誌 卷

attribution to Chao Su is made with good reason. A poetic colophon by Chao Lin is appended. &* Zhao Su.....more

明文徵明蕉池積雪 軸

明文徵明蕉池積雪 軸

he diligently practiced painting and calligraphy, and for this reason his extant works are numerous.....more

明張宏競渡圖 軸

明張宏競渡圖 軸

in the particular year it was painted. For this reason, there is a sense of warm intimacy to it. &* 張宏(西元一五九七年.....more

宋人畫魚籃觀音 軸

宋人畫魚籃觀音 軸

. For this reason, Kuan-yin with the Fish Basket is one of the thirty-three manifestations of Kuan-yin.....more

明項元汴善才頂禮 軸

明項元汴善才頂禮 軸

to be of a Buddhist nature, it more properly belongs to pure landscape. The reason for this is that, from.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋韓祐螽斯綿瓞

宋元集繪 冊 宋韓祐螽斯綿瓞

. For this reason, the painting here may be a plant-and-insect work of the late Southern Song period.(20101015.....more

宋人枇杷猿戲圖 軸

宋人枇杷猿戲圖 軸

understanding of the subject’s nature. For this reason, the painting stands as a large and important.....more

明陳洪綬畫卷石山茶 軸

明陳洪綬畫卷石山茶 軸

that transforms his subjects for an unusual effect. For this reason, this innovative artist of the late Ming.....more

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平牡丹

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平牡丹

: “The Yao blossom is king and the Wei its queen,” which is one reason why artists have often included.....more


reason 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋