搜尋:mountains 在 書畫 分類當中


清王原祁仿大癡虞山秋色 軸

清王原祁仿大癡虞山秋色 軸

the peaks, and the brushwork appears cutting. Using ocher and green for the mountains, the painter.....more

清王原祁仿李營丘筆意 軸

清王原祁仿李營丘筆意 軸

冬景(雪景) 山徑 水榭 亭 橋 房舍 寒林.枯樹 瀑布 江河、湖海 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁670&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁98&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁271.....more

集古圖繪 冊 元黃公望山水

集古圖繪 冊 元黃公望山水

mountains in ink washes to either side. The main peak was done with just a single well-executed.....more

集古圖繪 冊 明唐寅秋山

集古圖繪 冊 明唐寅秋山

strokes to portray the rocks in the foreground and the beauty of dry twigs and branches. The mountains.....more

明沈周倣倪瓚筆意 軸

明沈周倣倪瓚筆意 軸

style. It is related to Shen’s “Staff Bearing Wanderer”, but the texture strokes in the mountains.....more

明侯懋功倣元人筆意 軸

明侯懋功倣元人筆意 軸

and the shapes of the mountains and trees, as well as the brushwork show the influence of Wen Cheng.....more

明關思秋林聽泉 軸

明關思秋林聽泉 軸

pigment are used on the mountains and distant embankments. 本幅 150x59.5公分、全幅 83公分 明神宗萬曆二十年(1600) 類型:繪畫.....more

明董其昌霜林秋思 軸

明董其昌霜林秋思 軸

frost covers the distant mountains. The variation of pale and deep shades of green gives the viewer.....more

明程嘉燧秋溪疊嶂 軸

明程嘉燧秋溪疊嶂 軸

of the Nine Friends of Painting in the late Ming. This work, done at the age of 59, shows remote mountains.....more

清王翬千巖萬壑圖 軸

清王翬千巖萬壑圖 軸

of the Ch’ing Dynasty.” A broad expanse of river stretches score upon score of mountains and valleys.....more

清王翬畫夏麓晴雲 軸

清王翬畫夏麓晴雲 軸

was harmonized with complexly constructed, twisting and turning compositions. Passages of mountains.....more

清禹之鼎山水 軸

清禹之鼎山水 軸

, mountains and rocks, the forms all show an abundance of natural movement. 本幅 105.8x48公分、全幅 76公分 清聖祖康熙四.....more

清王原祁?浮遠岫圖 軸

清王原祁?浮遠岫圖 軸

,年六十四即奉詔,纂輯佩文齋書畫譜。另又主持「萬壽盛典圖」之製作。 &*Floating Mist and Distant Mountains Wang Yűan-ch’i (1642-1715.....more

清唐岱畫歸隱圖 軸

清唐岱畫歸隱圖 軸

to the movements of the mountains’ configural forces. This painting is dated 1720,when the artist.....more

元倪瓚王蒙合作山水 軸

元倪瓚王蒙合作山水 軸

to the inscription on this painting by Wang Meng, he had once done a work for Ni entitled "View of Mountains from.....more


mountains 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋