搜尋:ming 在 書畫 分類當中


宋燕文貴寒浦魚罾 軸

宋燕文貴寒浦魚罾 軸

be attributed to a late Ming (1368-1644) artist, and not to Yen Wen-kuei. 本幅 143.1x75.4公分、全幅 112公分 類型.....more

明錢穀石湖八景圖 冊

明錢穀石湖八景圖 冊

Cheng-ming, when he read widely and mastered the art of painting. Ch’ien excelled at painting landscape.....more

明趙左秋林書屋圖 軸

明趙左秋林書屋圖 軸

works actually were by Chao. He was a major figure of the Sungkiang School in the late Ming. This work.....more

明尤求書閣早梅 軸

明尤求書閣早梅 軸

in this painting are close to the feeling of Shen Chou and Wen Cheng-ming's paintings. The use of the brush.....more

明張翀畫東閣觀梅 軸

明張翀畫東閣觀梅 軸

, with refined brushwork and delicate colors. The other followed the Ming painter Wu Wei, bold and untramelled.....more

明劉度山水 軸

明劉度山水 軸

painters in the Ming dynasty. In the center of the composition, a winding path leads to a mountain cave.....more

明陳洪綬仙人獻壽圖 軸

明陳洪綬仙人獻壽圖 軸

painter. After the fall of the Ming dynasty, he was associated with loyalist scholars and artists.....more

元人翰墨 冊 陶宗儀書詩經五章

元人翰墨 冊 陶宗儀書詩經五章

, was still alive in 1403 during the early Ming dynasty. A prolific compiler, he included Huang.....more

晉王羲之行穰帖 卷

晉王羲之行穰帖 卷

filled in ink had been made and is now in a foreign collection. On that copy is a colophon by the Ming.....more

明張瑞圖書後赤壁賦 冊

明張瑞圖書後赤壁賦 冊

, and Tung Ch'i-ch'ang as one of the Four Great Calligraphers of the Late Ming. In calligraphy.....more

清丁觀鵬摹顧愷之洛神 卷

清丁觀鵬摹顧愷之洛神 卷

e coloring, also already reflect the Wu School style from the middle of the Ming.....more

唐人呂岩像 軸

唐人呂岩像 軸

appears to be that of the Che School in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).&*1.王耀庭,〈唐人呂岩像〉,收入王耀庭、童文娥編,《長生的世界:道教.....more

明王紱墨筆山水 軸

明王紱墨筆山水 軸

of Wu-hsi in Kiangsu province. At the beginning of the Ming, he was recommended to serve as a court.....more

明戴進牧牛圖 軸

明戴進牧牛圖 軸

on the style of Ma-Hsia of the Southern Sung and became the major figure of the Che school in the Ming.....more

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸

梧陰森,一人坐山房小憩,狀甚悠閒,柳岸蘆葦茂盛,葉莖傾斜,似有習習涼風吹入圍牆人家。 &* Sung Mou-chin (style name Ming-chih) was a native.....more


ming 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋