搜尋:life 在 書畫 分類當中


明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治桃花木蘭

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...

life, and his flower-and-bird and bamboo-and-rock paintings show a great sense of animation. Lu b.....more

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 持提菩薩

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...

, Fukien. However, he spent most of his life in Nanking. During the reign of the Wan-li Emperor.....more

元趙孟頫七札 冊

元趙孟頫七札 冊

. Throughout his life, Chao Meng-fu selected the finest brushes and paper for writing. These seven letters.....more

清王翬畫奇峰聳秀 軸

清王翬畫奇峰聳秀 軸

appearance. The brush strokes are full of life and the work is exceptional in Wang Hui’s oeuvre.....more

清吳歷梅花山館 軸

清吳歷梅花山館 軸

for the rest of his life. His Jesuit name was Simon A Cunha. He loved to paint many-tiered masses.....more

清高其佩廬山瀑布圖 軸

清高其佩廬山瀑布圖 軸

scarves flutter in the wind almost with a life of their own. Painted with a fingernail, the technique.....more

宋許道寧雪溪漁父 軸

宋許道寧雪溪漁父 軸

walks of life. He later once made a trip to Mount T’ai-hua and, thereafter, primarily indulged.....more

明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治萬壑楓色

明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治萬壑...

with Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559). Quite talented at drawing from life, Lu captured the styles of Hsu Hsi.....more

明張宏應真觀梅圖 軸

明張宏應真觀梅圖 軸

of samsara, or endless reincarnations. He appears as though he enjoys the “impermanence of life.....more

清鄒一桂畫秋色 軸

清鄒一桂畫秋色 軸

; sobriquets Hsiao-shan, Jang-ch’ing and, late in life, Erh-chih lao-jen) was a native of Wu-hsi.....more

清王敬銘山水 軸

清王敬銘山水 軸

the scenery in his works is very well arranged, the arteries carrying the life-breath are incisive.....more

清戴天瑞秋山落照 軸

清戴天瑞秋山落照 軸

and fish with the “sketching from life” method. They all possess an abundance of spirit harmony.....more

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平桂花

清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平桂花

of “sketching from life” to become a master of flower painting in the Qing dynasty. This painting was done.....more

清賈全畫詠梅圖 軸

清賈全畫詠梅圖 軸

’üan’s life are not recorded in the histories of painting. He served as a painter in the painting.....more

明居節仿唐寅雁宕山圖 卷

明居節仿唐寅雁宕山圖 卷

and chaste through life, he made a living by painting and calligraphy, preferring simple dignity rather than.....more


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