搜尋:features 在 書畫 分類當中


宋人白描大士像 軸

宋人白描大士像 軸

her knee. Her elegant facial features, such as the delicate eyes and small mouth, create a very.....more

清緙絲群仙慶壽圖 軸

清緙絲群仙慶壽圖 軸

are features of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795) tapestries. Weaving figures is often difficult because.....more

元鮮于樞行草真蹟 冊

元鮮于樞行草真蹟 冊

and dances across the surface. Not a single stroke appears lacking or misplaced. This work features.....more

唐人宮樂圖 軸

唐人宮樂圖 軸

to the late T'ang, since it exhibits certain features characteristic of the period. For example.....more

唐人宮樂圖 軸

唐人宮樂圖 軸

to the late T'ang, since it exhibits certain features characteristic of the period. For example.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款芙蓉

宋人集繪 冊 無款芙蓉

, it exhibits the unique features of flower painting from the Sung dynasty court.....more

清焦秉貞山水 冊 桐蔭清閣

清焦秉貞山水 冊 桐蔭清閣

architecture, which has no main ridge due to the curved features. Some roofs have overhanging gables.....more

宋拓越州刻晉唐小楷 冊

宋拓越州刻晉唐小楷 冊

Palace Museum collection, its features agree well. "Yueyi Discourse," for example, has elegant.....more

宋夏珪山水 軸

宋夏珪山水 軸

in the foreground. The work features extremes of light and dark ink and brushwork to create for a strong.....more

名畫琳瑯 冊 元黃公望雨巖仙觀

名畫琳瑯 冊 元黃公望雨巖仙觀

of this painting features rising clouds and mists that reveal a hazy village scene. All the way back.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋黃庭堅書苦筍賦 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋黃庭堅書苦筍...

. These features reflect the elegant harmony of his untrammeled and heroic manner. This leaf is from.....more

清沈荃倣晉唐人書 卷

清沈荃倣晉唐人書 卷

Emperor’s consultant in calligraphy. This work is dated to a spring day in 1680 and features 7.....more

集古圖繪 冊 唐周昉蠻夷執貢圖

集古圖繪 冊 唐周昉蠻夷執貢圖

to the Chinese court. The way his hair is worn, his features, and facial hair as well as his muscular body.....more

明張蒼水遺墨詩 冊

明張蒼水遺墨詩 冊

features an ink version of Zhang Cangshui’s poetry done before his death and a citation from Bingzha.....more

清洪亮吉篆書七言聯 軸

清洪亮吉篆書七言聯 軸

in the Classics. This couplet, mentioning how scholars never tire of their studies, features spirited yet.....more

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features 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋