搜尋:brushwork 在 書畫 分類當中


元曹善書山海經(四) 冊

元曹善書山海經(四) 冊

Shan's brushwork also reveals Chung Yu's influence. 本幅 21.9x17公分、後副葉一、二 21.8x17.2公分、後副葉三、四 22.3x17.3公.....more

元俞和書陶潛詩(一) 冊

元俞和書陶潛詩(一) 冊

by T'ao calligraphed by Yu in standard script. The fluent and graceful brushwork complements.....more

元俞和臨張養浩書忠祐廟碑 冊

元俞和臨張養浩書忠祐廟碑 冊

standard script. The styles of Yü and Ou-yang are outwardly similar, but the latter's brushwork.....more

清顧瑛畫罌粟 軸

清顧瑛畫罌粟 軸

brushwork. The artist’s own inscription mentioning “Spring matters of late,” the depiction of many.....more

清吳歷倣吳鎮山水 軸

清吳歷倣吳鎮山水 軸

the style of Wu Chen (1280-1354). His use of ink is very profound and his brushwork sparse.....more

宋蘇氏一門法書 冊 宋蘇軾書尺牘

宋蘇氏一門法書 冊 宋蘇軾書尺...

is also one by him to Du Yi (sobriquet Daoyuan), a close friend while in Huangzhou. The brushwork of both.....more

五代南唐巨然松巖蕭寺 卷

五代南唐巨然松巖蕭寺 卷

and dense forests. The dark and light brushwork describing the rooks and hills evidences a high level.....more

明文徵明一川圖 卷

明文徵明一川圖 卷

. The brushwork and composition have been worked without pretension, and the effort has succeeded admirably......more

明項聖謨後招隱圖 卷

明項聖謨後招隱圖 卷

the Roman numeral to distinguish it). The carefully structured composition and brushwork make this one.....more

宋人洗馬圖 軸

宋人洗馬圖 軸

of a black horse. The brushwork is quite fine fine and taut, and the details were finely rendered. Sitting.....more

明宣宗書畫合璧 冊

明宣宗書畫合璧 冊

Chinese bulbuls on branches looking down at bamboo. The birds are in abbreviated brushwork fusing.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 荷花與蹲蛙

明沈周寫生 冊 荷花與蹲蛙

at the age of 67. Spirit and brushwork are both unrestrained here. Broad strokes define the lotus leaves.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 鴨

明沈周寫生 冊 鴨

and coarse brushstrokes to depict the squat figure of a duck. Even using such abbreviated brushwork, he.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 白鴿

明沈周寫生 冊 白鴿

and tail. Modelled in deliberately naïve brushwork, the bird has been drawn with a sense.....more

明陳淳畫山水 冊

明陳淳畫山水 冊

the virtues of various masters. The brushwork is unbridled and succinct, revealing a light and leisurely.....more


brushwork 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋