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共找到 155 筆符合的資料
宋趙伯驌風檐展卷 冊頁
, small path, curved railings, pond, and accompanying trees, bamboo, and rocks. Under the pine stands.....more
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國初人山水集繪 冊 清陳舒壁下...
of a falling spring. Behind him are several bamboo stalks which appear deserted and beautiful.....more
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清文點詩意圖 冊 彭澤罷官
figure paintings and small scenes of pines and bamboo rendered in carefully wrought ink. Wen.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 無款秋林策蹇
, an old man wearing a bamboo hat presses his horse slowly onward. There is no signature to be found.....more
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清石濤寫竹通景十二屏 軸
, and Yangchow. He excelled at landscapes, flowers, and orchids and bamboo. In neither brushwork, use.....more
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元倪瓚紫芝山房圖 軸
is a river bank, scattered trees, bamboo, and a small pavilion. On the opposite bank, rounded.....more
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集古圖繪 冊 元倪瓚畫竹石
depicts some perennial favorites of the master -- rocks bamboo and trees. Nothing is in excess here.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 宋牟仲甫松芝群鹿
with emerald bamboo and spirit fungi. The two deer appear alert as if something has caught their attention.....more
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