搜尋:Y_ 在 書畫 分類當中


唐閻立本十八學士于志寧書讚 卷

唐閻立本十八學士于志寧書讚 卷

, including Tu Ju-hui, Fang Hsüan-ling and Yü Chih-ning. Yen Li-pen was ordered to paint.....more

明周臣松泉詩思 軸

明周臣松泉詩思 軸

-1496). He based his style on the Sung Dynasty masters: Li T’ang, Liu Sung-nien, Ma Yüan, and Hsia.....more

明王諤畫溪橋訪友 軸

明王諤畫溪橋訪友 軸

reign (1488-1505). The emperor Hsiao-tsung, who admired the Sung painter Ma Yüan, praised Wang.....more

宋人千巖萬壑 軸

宋人千巖萬壑 軸

. Based on style, the painting appears to date from the late Yüan or early Ming (late 14th c.....more

宋蔡襄自書謝表並詩 卷

宋蔡襄自書謝表並詩 卷

at calligraphy. Ts'ai initially studied the calligraphy of Chou Yüeh(fl. 1023-1048)and later studied.....more

明戴進撫松觀瀑 軸

明戴進撫松觀瀑 軸

to that of Tai Chin or a follower. Tai Chin’s style was based on the Southern Sung works of Ma Yü.....more

清關槐黃鶴樓圖 軸

清關槐黃鶴樓圖 軸

漢之寫生景也。 &* Kuan Huai(18th cent.) , whose style name was Chin-ch’ing and sobriquets Yün-yen.....more

明董其昌倣倪瓚山陰丘壑圖 軸

明董其昌倣倪瓚山陰丘壑圖 軸

, he followed the landscapes of Tung Yüan and Chü-jan in particular, adding the strengths.....more

清禹之鼎山水 軸

清禹之鼎山水 軸

。 &* Yü Chih-t’ing was born in 1647 and was still alive in 1709. He was a native of Chiang-tu.....more

清黃鼎溪橋林影圖 軸

清黃鼎溪橋林影圖 軸

, was a native of Ch’ang-shu in Kiangsu province. He first learned landscape painting from Ch’iu Y.....more

清黃鼎秋日山居 軸

清黃鼎秋日山居 軸

at painting landscapes, an art he learned from two other Great Masters of the Ch’ing Dynasty—Wang Yü.....more

清唐岱畫歸隱圖 軸

清唐岱畫歸隱圖 軸

painter, modeling his landscapes after the style of Wang Yüan-ch’i. During the K’ang-hsi reign.....more

五代南唐巨然秋山圖 軸

五代南唐巨然秋山圖 軸

. Chü-jan, a native of Nanking, was a monk at the K'ai-yüan Temple. He excelled at painting.....more

宋馬遠山水人物 軸

宋馬遠山水人物 軸

, but this work was done in the 14th or early 15th century (between the Yüan and Ming dynasties). It also.....more

清董邦達楓谿觀瀑高宗御題 軸

清董邦達楓谿觀瀑高宗御題 軸

paintings follow the style of the Yüan masters. Deep in the crag of a lofty range of mountains.....more


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