石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2306&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁107&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁11-12&* 董邦達(西元一六九九-一七六九年),浙江富陽人,字孚存,號東山。雍正癸丑進士。乾隆時,以博學精考核,命入內廷,襄編石渠寶笈諸書,後仕至禮部尚書。性好書畫,山水喜宗元人筆墨。 峻嶺深壑,跨橋敞軒裡,高士坐賞秋光。本幅以朱紅、黃綠寫來樹木轉變特色,用色艷而不俗,頗見作者刻意強調之意圖。畫中山巒以枯筆,用披麻、雲頭兩種皴法交相運用,顯出受元朝王蒙畫法影響。 &*Gazing at Waterfall Tung Pang-ta (1699-1769), Colophon by the Emperor Kao-tsung Ch’ing Dynasty Tung Pang-ta was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. His style name was Fu-ts’un and his sobriquet was Tung-shan. Tung obtained the chin-shih service degree in 1733. Because of his extensive knowledge and historical research, Tung was summoned to the court and made an assistant editor in the compilation of the palace collection catalogues, such as the Shih-ch’ü pao-chi, etc. He later served as Minister of the Board of Rites. Tung was fond of painting and calligraphy, and his landscape paintings follow the style of the Yüan masters. Deep in the crag of a lofty range of mountains, a scholar sits in a room enjoying the autumn scenery. The abundant colors used in his painting, vermilion, yellow, and green, are elegant and were used to demonstrate the changing colors of the trees in the coming autumn. It is evident that the artist has taken extreme care in executing this work to emphasize its sentiment. The mountains and peaks have been depicted using a dry brush, and Tung’s utilization of hemp-fiber and thunder-cloud texture strokes together reveals an obvious influence of the Yüan master Wang Meng.