搜尋:Wu 在 書畫 分類當中


元曹善書山海經(一) 冊

元曹善書山海經(一) 冊

, are also famous for their calligraaphy, and they were collectively called the "Three Ts'ao's of Wu.....more

元曹善書山海經(二) 冊

元曹善書山海經(二) 冊

collectively called the "Three Ts'ao's of Wu." According to biographies, however, Ts'ao Chih-po's son Yung.....more

元曹善書山海經(三) 冊

元曹善書山海經(三) 冊

collectively called the "Three Ts'ao's of Wu." According to biographies, however, Ts'ao Chih-po's son Yung.....more

宋錢選畫盧仝烹茶圖 軸

宋錢選畫盧仝烹茶圖 軸

;an, a native of Wu-hsing in Chekiang Province, was a famous artist of the late Sung and early Yüan. Here.....more

明陸治寫生 冊 風雨海棠

明陸治寫生 冊 風雨海棠

complements the peony’s loveliness. Lu Chih was from Wu County in Kiangsu. His style name was Shu-p’ing; his.....more

明丁雲圖羅漢 冊

明丁雲圖羅漢 冊

of blue-green, the coloring of this painting is similar to that of Wu School works. Ch’en Chi-ju (1558.....more

明丁雲圖羅漢 冊 羅漢(九)

明丁雲圖羅漢 冊 羅漢(九)

to the style of Wu School literati artists. The chair in this painting reflects the basic features of Ming.....more

明丁雲圖羅漢 冊 羅漢(七)

明丁雲圖羅漢 冊 羅漢(七)

of this painting has the atmosphere of Wu School works. This album has inscriptions dated to 1577.....more

元人舊蹟 冊 虞集致丹丘博士公尺牘

元人舊蹟 冊 虞集致丹丘博士公...

of Wu Ch'en. In 1297 his connections brought him the appointment as a professor in the Ta-tu lu Sc.....more

明陸治花卉 卷

明陸治花卉 卷

is Chu-p’ing and Sobriquet, Pao-shan-tzu) hailed from Wu-hsien in Kiangsu. He studied with both Chu Y.....more

宋元集繪 冊 元倪瓚竹枝

宋元集繪 冊 元倪瓚竹枝

首。&*Ni Tsan was a native of of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. His style name was Yüan-chen, sobriquet Yü.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

花卉畫冊 冊 明李流芳枯松掛壁

to depict an old pine tree by a rock face. His technique harks back to the Yüan artist Wu Chen.....more

清張宗蒼畫雲崖錦樹 軸

清張宗蒼畫雲崖錦樹 軸

of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. His style names were Mo-ts’un and Mo-ts’en. He was also known as Huang-ts’un.....more

元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸

元趙孟頫書晝錦堂記 軸

Sung-hsueh tao-jen; also known as Ou-p'o) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang. Although he.....more

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

. Tuan Ch'eng-wu (9th c.), in his Yu-yang tsa-tsu, wrote that only the T'ung-tzu Temple.....more


Wu 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋