搜尋:Wu 在 書畫 分類當中


明姚綬畫竹 軸

明姚綬畫竹 軸

and Wu Chen’s landscapes. He occasionally painted beautifully unconventioal bamboo and rocks. 本幅 83.....more

明陳裸竹溪花塢圖 軸

明陳裸竹溪花塢圖 軸

-kuan and sobriquet Po-shih, was a native of Wu hsien, Kiangsu province, who was an excellent poet.....more

明錢穀畫杏花喜鵲 軸

明錢穀畫杏花喜鵲 軸

之遺韻。 &* Ch’ien Ku was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. His style name was Shu-pao, and he called.....more

明張宏寒山高逸 軸

明張宏寒山高逸 軸

, was a native of Wu-chün, Kiangsu. He was a proficient painter who portrayed stylized figures in a unique.....more

清沈顥畫懸崖垂瀑 軸

清沈顥畫懸崖垂瀑 軸

互通鼻息處。 &* Shen Hao was a native of Wu-hsien, in Kiangsu province, with tzu (style name) Lang-ch’ien.....more

明項聖謨蟠桃圖 軸

明項聖謨蟠桃圖 軸

immortal. In Journey to the West, the Monkey King, Sun Wu-k’ung, was ennobled by the Jade Emperor.....more

元人舊蹟 冊 朱德潤致吳季實教諭尺牘

元人舊蹟 冊 朱德潤致吳季實教...

of other Yüan artists. This letter in running script was written to the Confucian scholar Wu Chi.....more

元管道昇書孝經 卷

元管道昇書孝經 卷

, this work has been attributed to Kuan Tao-sheng (style name Chung-chi), a native of Wu-hsing.....more

清鄒一桂?宋苑畫榴下雄雞圖 軸

清鄒一桂?宋苑畫榴下雄雞圖 軸

. From Wu-hsi in Kiangsu, Tsou I-kuei used the style name Yüan-pao and the sobriquets Hsiao-shan.....more

清諸升雪景竹石真跡 軸

清諸升雪景竹石真跡 軸

(1585-?), whose style in turn had derived from that of Wu Chen (1280-1354). The bamboo paintings by Chu.....more

清張宗蒼竹亭觀瀑圖 軸

清張宗蒼竹亭觀瀑圖 軸

’ang Ch’ing dynasty Chang Tsung-ts’ang (1686-1756) was a native of Wu-hsien in Kiangsu. He had two.....more

清丁觀鵬丹書受戒圖 軸

清丁觀鵬丹書受戒圖 軸

that when King Wu of the Chou assumed the throne, he summoned "Great Shang" to ask if the Way of Emperor.....more

清張宗蒼松陰高士圖 軸

清張宗蒼松陰高士圖 軸

dynasty Chang Tsung-ts’ang was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. His style names were Mo-ts’un and Mo.....more

清金廷標畫?花壽石 軸

清金廷標畫?花壽石 軸

競放。四周綴以亂筆雜草,增添畫面生意。 &* Chin T’ing-piao was a native of Wu-ch’eng, Chekiang. He excelled as a figure.....more

清錢維城新韶如意圖 軸

清錢維城新韶如意圖 軸

was a native of Wu-chin in Kiangsu. In 1745, he was the top candidate in the civil service.....more


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