石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1132&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁468&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁69-70&* 自古有關桃的傳說頗多,桃寓意長壽。傳說,蟠桃以西王母瑤池所植為上。此桃三千年一開花,三千年一結食,服之長生不老。 《西遊記》?,猴王孫悟空被玉帝封為「齊天大聖」。 在第五回中,因王母舉辦蟠桃會未邀請他,一怒之下盜仙桃、偷仙酒、竊金丹後返回花果山。玉帝派遣天兵天將前往捉拿,反被悟空打敗。 &* Many legends about the peach come from antiquity, it being a symbol of longevity. It is said that “flat peaches” were planted at the Gem (Yao) Pond of the Queen Mother of the West. This peach bloomed every 3,000 years and bore fruit 3,000 years later. Eating it would make one immortal. In Journey to the West, the Monkey King, Sun Wu-k’ung, was ennobled by the Jade Emperor as “Great Sage Equal of Heaven”. In chapter 5, the Queen Mother held a “Flat Peach Assembly”, but did not invite him. Angry, he stole the peaches and wine of immortality as well as the Golden Elixir before returning to Flower Fruit Mountain. The Jade Emperor ordered the heavenly generals to capture him, but they were all defeated.