搜尋:He 在 書畫 分類當中


集古圖繪 冊 宋朱羲摹五代戴嵩筆

集古圖繪 冊 宋朱羲摹五代戴嵩...

. Related to Chu Ying, he was also known for his paintings of oxen. There is a signature in the lower left.....more

清王原祁仿大癡虞山秋色 軸

清王原祁仿大癡虞山秋色 軸

as Vice Minister of Revenue. He followed the family tradition of painting, his abilities far.....more

清王原祁倣王蒙山水 軸

清王原祁倣王蒙山水 軸

) was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. He is included among the Four Great Masters of the Ch’ing.....more

名畫薈萃 冊 宋梁楷山陰書箑圖

名畫薈萃 冊 宋梁楷山陰書箑圖

Calligrapher Wang Hsi-chih (321-379). He is shown helping an old lady sell her fan by inscribing.....more

清王原祁仿李營丘筆意 軸

清王原祁仿李營丘筆意 軸

冬景(雪景) 山徑 水榭 亭 橋 房舍 寒林.枯樹 瀑布 江河、湖海 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁670&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁98&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁271.....more

清王原祁仿倪瓚山水 軸

清王原祁仿倪瓚山水 軸

竹 橋 房舍 奇石 江河、湖海 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁813&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁98&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁337-338&* 王原祁(一六四二-一七一五.....more

名賢妙蹟 冊 元倪瓚野石修篁

名賢妙蹟 冊 元倪瓚野石修篁

was wealthy and possessed a fine collection of paintings and calligraphy. He was a scholar by nature.....more

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治蒲草鴛鴦

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...

and righteousness. He also excelled at poetry, writing, calligraphy, and painting. He once studied.....more

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 持提菩薩

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...

, Fukien. However, he spent most of his life in Nanking. During the reign of the Wan-li Emperor.....more

宋四家法書 卷 宋黃庭堅致明叔同年尺牘

宋四家法書 卷 宋黃庭堅致明叔...

; sobriquet Fu-weng) was a native of Fen-ning, Kiangsi. He received his chin-shih civil service.....more

明祝允明臨黃庭經 卷

明祝允明臨黃庭經 卷

to Suzhou, Jiang-su. At the age of 5 he reportedly could write large characters, and he came.....more

明郭詡東山攜妓圖 軸

明郭詡東山攜妓圖 軸

. A noted landscape painter, Kuo did not rely on models but took his inspiration from nature. He.....more

明沈周畫瓶中蠟梅 軸

明沈周畫瓶中蠟梅 軸

in Kiangsu. He was known for his extremely generous nature. An accomplished scholar, he was an able.....more

明董其昌倣倪瓚山陰丘壑圖 軸

明董其昌倣倪瓚山陰丘壑圖 軸

。」 &* Tung Ch’i-ch’ang was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu. He received his chin-shih degree in 1588.....more

明程嘉燧秋溪疊嶂 軸

明程嘉燧秋溪疊嶂 軸

Chia-sui came Anhwei province. He was a painter and poet of pure and remote disposition. His.....more
