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共找到 1435 筆符合的資料
集古圖繪 冊 唐周昉蠻夷執貢圖
it to Chou Fang, a native of Ch'ang-an who excelled at figure painting. 本幅 46.7x39.5公分、全幅 51x85公分 類型.....more
- 856/1435
清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清葉欣...
of Nanking in the early Ch’ing. This leaf is from Album of Landscapes by Famous Painters Collected.....more
- 857/1435
名人畫扇 (戊) 冊 明陳嘉言枇...
,而枝葉間啃食枇杷的松鼠,纖毛畢現毛絨可愛。幅上寫意的果實、絲絲工細的毫毛,能如此精妙的配合,正是畫者獨到之處。本幅選自「名人畫扇」冊。&*Ch’en Chia-yen (style name K.....more
- 858/1435
名人畫扇(上) 冊 明王醴鵪鶉...
剪秋羅、石竹 鵪鶉 蜂 溪澗、湍泉 國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十九冊,頁98-99&* 王醴,作品見於明朝晚期(十七世紀初)。字三泉,浙江嘉興人.....more
- 859/1435
名人便面畫冊 冊 清曹松年蕭翼...
-nien Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) Ts’ao Sung-nien, the dates for whom are unknown, was a native.....more
- 860/1435
名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 明倪瑛坐...
technique shows the influence of Chou Ch’en and T’ang Yin. The brushwork is simultaneously fluid and clear.....more
- 861/1435
名人書畫扇(壬) 冊 清顧見龍...
-ch’en) was from Wu-chiang in Kiangsu. He was born in 1606 and was known to still be alive.....more
- 862/1435
明人畫扇(元) 冊 明唐寅滿地...
”, and the trees are treated in a rough, vigorous manner closely related to that of Chou Ch’en. The painting.....more
- 863/1435
清陳澧篆書七言聯 軸
was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Ch’en Chih-mai.(20110407) 本幅 118.3×23.3公分、全幅 146×29.4公分.....more
- 865/1435
清何紹基楷書六屏 軸
reflecting Yan Zhenqing’s style. This work was donated by General Ho Ying-ch’in.(20120409) 本幅 100.7x33.2公分.....more
- 867/1435
民國于右任行書五言聯 軸
-ch’in. 本幅 206.2x45.1公分、全幅 51.5公分 類型:書法 型式:文字 于右任 數位化執行單位:國立故宮博物院 民國于右任行書五言聯 軸 漢文 贈書000427N00000.....more
- 868/1435
清呂世宜行書五言聯 軸
period in Taiwan. Mr. Lin Ch’eng-tao donated this couplet to the National Palace Museum in 2002.....more
- 870/1435