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共找到 1435 筆符合的資料
明文嘉仿沈周廬山詩畫 軸
覺渾樸淳厚,而文嘉此圖鈎皴山石則用枯筆,造型亦不相近,蓋只取其意而已。畫成於萬曆丁丑,時七十七歲。&*Wen Chia, a native of Ch'ang-chou (modern Soochow.....more
- 827/1435
清姚文瀚歲朝歡慶圖 軸
,全家人歡樂團聚,同來慶賀佳節。 &*Joy at the New Year Yao Wen-han (fl. 1736-1795) Ch’ing Dynasty Yao Wen-han.....more
- 829/1435
明沈周落花圖并詩 卷
ü Chen-ch’ing, Lü Ch’ang, and T’ang Yin each subsequently wrote poems based on Shen’s rhyme.....more
- 830/1435
清王翬雲溪草堂圖 卷
竹垞詩註中。本幅用筆甚工,以青綠設色,石谷著意作也,惟用力既多,或不免於板滯。有王士禎宋犖諸題,並可見徐之交遊。 &* Wang Hui was a native of Ch’ang-shou.....more
- 831/1435
清院本漢宮春曉圖 卷
life of women at court. The background gardens are actual ones based on the Ch’ing court. The women.....more
- 832/1435
明李流芳畫唐人詩意 冊 韋應物...
and Horizontal Clouds Li Liu-fang (1575-1629) Ming Dynasty Li Liu-fang (style names Mao-tsai and Ch’ang.....more
- 833/1435
元明人題錢譜雜文 冊 倪中書長...
colophon to the album Ch’ien-p’u which was arranged by Yao Yuan-tze, the husband of Chin Sheng’s sister.....more
- 834/1435
宋蘇軾書歸去來辭 卷
; sobriquet Tung-p'o chü-shih)was a native of Mei-shan, Szechwan. He was given the posthumous.....more
- 835/1435
名畫琳瑯 冊 元黃公望雨巖仙觀
was Tzu-chiu; his sobriquets were I-feng, Ta-ch'ih tao-jen and Ching-hsi tao-jen. In landscape he.....more
- 836/1435
明人畫扇 冊 明沈周蕉陰橫琴
of eternity. I hold the ch’in but do not pluck the strings, for the sky and the earth know the music I.....more
- 837/1435
宋張即之書李衎墓志銘 卷
area. Wang Wen-chih of the Ch'ing dynasty (1644-1911), tracing the source of Chang's calligraphic.....more
- 838/1435