石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁532-534&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁28&*唐寅(西元一四七0-一五二三年),字伯虎、一字子長,號六如居士。江蘇蘇州人。賦性疏朗,才氣橫逸。畫初學周臣,而有過之。人物、山水、花卉皆擅長。在起伏山巒之中,一客棧的酒旗迎風飄搖。前方旅人正肩挑行李行過木橋。點景人物已完全融入綿延無盡的山川之中。此圖線條粗勁,山石用斧劈皴法,與周臣畫風彷彿。 本幅為「明人畫扇」冊第三開。&*明人畫扇 調一八三9 第三幅 山村酒旗高起,溪橋行旅,負擔而行。畫山多用斧劈,畫樹亦粗勁,與周東村漸近。無年款,疑三十三歲作。&*A tall flag signalling the presence of a wine-shop rises from a mountainside. Travellers carrying bundles are approaching over a bridge. The mountains are textured with “axe strokes”, and the trees are treated in a rough, vigorous manner closely related to that of Chou Ch’en. The painting is not dated but was probably painted when T’ang Yin was 32.