搜尋:Album 在 書畫 分類當中


名繪輯珍 冊 宋馬遠澄江秋眺

名繪輯珍 冊 宋馬遠澄江秋眺

the work of a later painter following Ma’s style. This painting is the third leaf in the album.....more

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊

清陳枚畫耕織圖 冊

.1736-1795). This album was done in dedication of the K’ang-hsi emperor’s support of agriculture.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清朱璨英畫杏花

藝林清賞 冊 清朱璨英畫杏花

is the seventh leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-shang. 本幅 18.1x61.5公分、對幅 15.9x49公分、全幅 64.2x58.3公分 清宣宗道.....more

明董其昌臨鍾王帖 冊

明董其昌臨鍾王帖 冊

-379】and Wang Hsien-chih 【344-388】). This album was done at the age of 54 and includes his five.....more

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

明董其昌臨爭坐位帖 冊

time. This album was written when Tung was seventy-eight sui (1632). Tung was extremely fascinated.....more

明董其昌書千文 冊

明董其昌書千文 冊

it in 1609 at the Chinese age of 55. Throughout the album is a sense of archaism to the skillful brushwork.....more

清王澍臨石鼓文 冊

清王澍臨石鼓文 冊

頫音釋之元榻本,經乾隆鑑定可同為石鼓文參考的標準本。(20100102)&* Comparison of this album (done in 1730) with “Copying.....more

明人便面畫冊(三) 冊 明陳遵秋英寒蝶

明人便面畫冊(三) 冊 明陳遵...

reflects the style of Ch’en Ch’un. This painting is the twelfth leaf from the Album of Folding Fan.....more

明人便面集錦 冊 明陳栝芭蕉紫薇

明人便面集錦 冊 明陳栝芭蕉紫...

, originally a folding fan, comes from the album “Collected Brocade of Ming Folding Fans.” The brushwork.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋緙絲翠羽秋荷

宋元集繪 冊 宋緙絲翠羽秋荷

of forms in space, and suggestion of depth. This is the first leaf from the album Sung Yüan chi.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋馮大有太液荷風

宋元集繪 冊 宋馮大有太液荷風

of light and dark, wind and rain. In this work, the ninth leaf from the album Sung Yuan chi-hui.....more

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清王翬仿李咸熙群峰霽雪

清周亮工集名家山水 冊 清王翬...

and buildings appear along a snow-filled mountain in this album leaf. The elements here are focused.....more

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 海洞潮音

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 海洞潮音

,它就是《鶯哥孝義傳》所說,跟隨南海觀音菩薩到普陀山學佛的鶯哥。&*This, the 8th leaf from the album “In Celebration of the Amitābha.....more

明人便面集錦 冊 明朱朗秋柳鳴蟬

明人便面集錦 冊 明朱朗秋柳鳴...

about Chu’s style. This leaf from the album “Collected Gems of Ming Fans (I)” shows the drooping.....more

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊

The first leaf of this album depicts lofty peaks and a broad lake; the second, storied buildings among.....more


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