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共找到 87 筆符合的資料
明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸
成化四年(一四六八),先生時年七十三歲。 &*Tu Ch’iung, a native of Kiangsu province, was a fine calligrapher and painter.....more
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明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 二月春光
。 &* Chou Yu-tu (tzu Kung-yuan) came from Hua-t’ing in Kiangsu. The dates of his life are not known.....more
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明孫枝畫杜甫詩意 軸
Poetry by Tu Fu Sun Chih (fl. 1535-1602) Ming Dynasty Sun Chih was a native of Wu-hsien, Kiangsu. His.....more
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清董邦達畫杜甫詩意 軸
杜甫詩意」,構圖皆與此畫相似。 &*After a Poem by Tu Fu Tung Pang-ta (1699-1769) Ch’ing Dynasty Tung Pang-ta (style.....more
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清超揆杜牧詩意圖 軸
,召入北京,賜塔玉泉山,卒謚文覺禪師。 工詩畫,所畫山水,構思造景皆能別開生面,且多寫平生遊歷之名山異境。本幅寫杜牧七絕詩意。 &*Inspired by a Poem of Tu Mu Ch.....more
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清黃鉞繪節卉迎薰 軸
., tzu Tso-t’ien, Tso-chün) was a native of Huang-tu, Anhui. He received the chin-shih in 1791 A. D.....more
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明劉度仿趙承旨長春翠柏 軸
。 &* Liu Tu, a native of Chekiang province, excelled at landscape painting and initially studied.....more
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明仇氏杜陵內史畫白衣大士像 軸
by the name Chu and the sobriquet Tu-ling nei-shih. Influenced by her father, she was good at landscape.....more
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明劉度畫春山臺榭 軸
hazily into the distance. In landscape painting Liu Tu studied with Lan Ying; he followed such Northern.....more
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明沈度書不自棄說 軸
態,沖淡了過於嚴肅的氣氛。 &* Shen Tu, a native of what is now Shanghai, entered the Han-lin Academy in the Yung.....more
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