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共找到 38 筆符合的資料
清張廷彥畫登瀛洲圖 軸
in the Ch’ien-lung era (1736-1795). Chang’s father, Chang Wei-pang, was a painter in the Ju-i Hall at court.....more
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清院本漢宮春曉圖 卷
Wei-pang, Ting Kuan-p’eng, and Yao Wen-han in 1748. The colors of the palaces and pavilions, ponds.....more
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集古名繪 冊 明李在圮上授書
Liu Pang, founder of the Han dynasty. The composition is intimate as the figures are located behind.....more
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明吳彬畫魚籃觀音 軸
layman Pang Yün of the T’ang dynasty. She made her living selling bamboo fish baskets.....more
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清董邦達翠岩紅樹御題 軸
部尚書。工畫山水,喜宗法元人。 本幅繪翠綠山嚴,層層疊嶂,紅樹輝映其間,色調極為強烈鮮明,山路逶邐而深入畫境,布局緊湊而有變化。 &*Tung Pang-ta style name Fu-ts.....more
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清董邦達繪高宗御筆四美具贊 軸
失散,乾隆間又陸續轉入青宮,高宗喜此四卷之聚,因作贊並命董邦達繪圖以誌其事。 &* Tung Pang-ta (tzu: Fu-ts’un; hao: Tung-shan), was born.....more
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