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共找到 156 筆符合的資料
清艾啟蒙畫寶吉騮圖 軸
of Third Rank. This is a painting of the tribute horse Pao-chi-liu presented to the Ch’ing court.....more
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民國林建同梅花四屏 軸
with political overtones. These panels were donated to the Museum by Lin Chi-k’ai and Lin Chi-hui. 本幅.....more
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唐閻立本竹林五君圖 軸
as a high minister to Emperor Kao-tsung (650-684). The seven scholars Chi K'ang, Juan Chi, Shan T'ao.....more
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五代後蜀黃筌竹梅寒雀圖 軸
. This is a technique which Lü Chi employed in most of his paintings. According to stylistic analysis.....more
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明呂紀桃柳雙鳧圖 軸
覺欠力。畫柳樹迎風,桃花秀麗。當此春暖花開時節,雙鳧優遊水中,怡然自得。 &*Mandarin Ducks at Peach Blossom Time Lü Chi (fl. ca.....more
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明鄭石畫芙蓉白鷺 軸
style from the Ming court artist Lü Chi. In comparison to Egrets and Hibiscus in Autumn.....more
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明呂紀春風燕喜圖 軸
下,萱花盛開;一雙飛燕臨空掠過,岸上則止息瀆鳧一對。其中柳樹幹之皴法,以及萱花、柳葉與雙鳧之鉤畫用筆,甚得呂紀之筆意,若自神韻觀之,則仍顯得略遜一籌。 &* Lü Chi, style.....more
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清張鵬翀春山出雲 軸
was the author of Nan-hua Shih-chi. This painting was executed in light colors with deft brushwork.....more
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集古名繪 冊 宋蕭照關山行旅
in the label. It is leaf in the album Chi-Ku ming-hui. 本幅 24.2x26.2公分、對幅 24.2x26.2公分、全幅 37x73公分 類型:繪畫.....more
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清石濤寫竹通景十二屏 軸
松修竹、奇石芭蕉與蘭菊葵花等,構成象徵高人雅士的世界。 本幅為張群先生捐贈。 &* Yüan-chi, another name of Shih-t’ao, originally.....more
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