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共找到 177 筆符合的資料
明人畫扇集冊貳冊 (下) 冊 明...
,取勢以枝梗為先,本幅雖僅三枝,但自有一份生動之意,是穿插得宜所致,設色亦古雅。 本幅為「明人畫扇集冊-下」冊第三開。 &*Lu Chih was a native of Soochow.....more
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清馬元馭花卉 冊 梅花山茶
üan-yü as one who did not copy others, but who was a better artist than Ch’en Tao-fu and Lu.....more
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明陸治蔡羽書畫合璧 冊
Chu in 1538 with paintings added by Lu Zhi in the third month of the following year. Cai Yu (style.....more
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明陸治久安大吉圖 軸
雀一對,份外鮮明。葫蘆多子、柏樹長青,全圖取意久安大吉的祥瑞寓意明顯,詩塘上乾隆詩題亦以「求安」意應。本幅施彩墨色濃重,應為託名之作。(20100104)&* Lu Zhi (style name.....more
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明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...
不複雜,畫花卉全以得勢為主,本幅出枝、開花,上下頗能貫串,一分條暢感,躍然紙上,成畫於六十六歲。本幅為「明人便面畫冊(二)」冊第七開。 &*Lu Chih was a native.....more
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明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...
為之。本作構圖疏朗,設色淡雅,別具明淨清雅之韻,分外宜人。&*Lu Chih was a native of Kiangsu known for his sense of filial piety.....more
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明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治寫支...
遠山與村舍隱現於淡淡雲煙中。畫幅右實左虛,筆墨蒼潤,設色雅淡,畫樹點葉和皴擦,草草似不經意,款署庚午(西元一五七0年),為七十五歲作品。 本幅為「明人畫扇-亨」冊第十三開。 &*Lu Chih.....more
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明人摹西園雅集圖 軸
, Ji Min, Zheng Ju, Liu Zhen, Lu Zhen, Zhang Hun, Di Jianmo, and Lu Zhen, who all traveled to Bai’s.....more
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明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明魯治...
the influence of the Ming dynasty painter Shen Chou. Lu chih, whose sobriquet was Ch’i Yün, was from.....more
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宋人法書(三) 冊 宋陸游致仲...
(1995年7月),頁54-55。 &*Lu Yu (style name Wu-kuan; sobriquet Fang-weng) was a native of Shan-yin, Chekiang.....more
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宋元四家書 冊 元歐陽玄書五言...
年拜翰林學士承旨。 歐陽玄行草略似蘇文忠。而剛勁流暢。風度不凡。&*Ou Yang-hsuan was also called Yuan-kung. He first lived in Lu-ling.....more
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明張宏倣陸治茶花水仙 軸
gure paintings, and also excelled in flower and bird painting. In this picture, Chang Hung imitated Lu.....more
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