搜尋:Artist 在 水墨 分類當中


明仇英柳塘漁艇 軸

明仇英柳塘漁艇 軸

as an artist under the tutelage of Chou Ch’en (f1. 1500-1535). Ch’iu excelled at many genres.....more

明商祚秋葵圖 軸

明商祚秋葵圖 軸

, a native of Honan province, was grandson of the famous court artist Shang Hsi (fl.1st half of 15th c.....more

明戴進長松五鹿 軸

明戴進長松五鹿 軸

of the artist, but Wen Cheng-ming in his inscription in the upper left gives the name of Tai Chin. &* 戴進(西.....more

明崔子忠畫蘇軾留帶圖 軸

明崔子忠畫蘇軾留帶圖 軸

talking. The artist’s use of brush and ink is elegant and bland. 本幅 81.4x50公分、全幅 71公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態圖像 崔.....more

明陸治梨花寫生 軸

明陸治梨花寫生 軸

, calligraphy and painting. A close friend of Chu Yün-ming and Wen Cheng-ming, his fame as an artist.....more

元人歲朝圖 軸

元人歲朝圖 軸

)&*Attributed to an anonymous artist, Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk.....more

元吳鎮後赤壁賦圖 軸

元吳鎮後赤壁賦圖 軸

made there in 1082. The crane shown here flying overhead is also mentioned in the ode. The artist here.....more

明文徵明倣古山水 軸

明文徵明倣古山水 軸

the life of a literatus. He excelled as a poet, essayist, calligrapher, and artist, and became a leader.....more

明張宏競渡圖 軸

明張宏競渡圖 軸

to represent a slice of life from that era. It was completed in 1648 when the artist was 52 years.....more

明人畫普賢大士像 軸

明人畫普賢大士像 軸

緣故。與前述之文殊,二畫尺寸、筆墨皆近似,原為對幅。&*This work, bearing neither seal nor signature of the artist, shows.....more

南朝宋陸探微五岳圖 卷

南朝宋陸探微五岳圖 卷

works by this artist currently extant. This painting was attributed to Lu T'an-wei in a dubious.....more

唐周昉畫人物 卷

唐周昉畫人物 卷

Fang's style. This painting must therefore be copy by a later artist. &*農曆正月十五日為元宵,舊俗是夜張燈為戲,所以也稱為燈節.....more

明仇英人物圖 軸

明仇英人物圖 軸

work by a different artist. &*1.劉芳如,〈明仇英人物圖〉,收入劉芳如、葛婉章編,《嬰戲圖》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年四月初版),頁88。 本幅 182x58.9公.....more

明朱先草蟲 軸

明朱先草蟲 軸

on the ground below. Despite this simple arrangement and the common subjects, the artist's use of sketchy.....more

明文徵明獨樂園圖并書記 卷

明文徵明獨樂園圖并書記 卷

. Although this scroll was painted when the artist was almost 90, it lacks none of the spirit and vigor.....more


Artist 在 水墨 分類當中 的相關搜尋