惲向(西元一五八六-一六五五年),字本初,號香山翁。崇禎間舉賢良方正,授中書,棄官歸。好詩歌及古文辭,善畫山水,頗得雄渾之趣。早歲氣厚力沈,全摹董源、巨然,晚年惜墨如金,平淡天眞,意興在倪瓚、黃公望之間。卒年七十。著畫旨及「汝陰詩」,侄惲壽平少時,嘗師事之。 本幅畫山中人家,筆墨清雅,潔淨若一塵不染,望之如入清淨之境。 本幅為黃君壁先生捐贈。 &* Yün Hsiang was styled Pen-ch’u; his sobriquet was Hsiang-shan Weng. During the Ch’ung-chen reign (1628-1644) Yün Hsiang was recommended for office, but he eventually renounced public service and returned to his native home. He was fond of the literary arts and excelled as a painter of landscapes, attaining an air of strength and substantiality in his works. His early paintings are particularly forceful, entirely in the styles of the Five Dynasties (906-960) painters Tung Yüan and Chü-jan. Later in life he used ink sparingly, his conceptions approaching those of the Yüan painters Ni Tsan and Huang Kung-wang. Yün Hsiang’s nephew Yün Shou-p’ing, an important painter of the Ch’ing dynasty, served Yün Hsiang when he was young. This landscape reveals a clean and elegant use of brush and ink, and the atmosphere is pure and alluring. This painting was presented to the museum by Huang Chün-pi. &*黃君璧先生捐贈文物特展目錄,頁15-16、46