王新衡先生遺贈書畫展目錄,頁22、48&*于右任(1879-1964)字伯循,陝西三原人。早年追隨 國父參與建國大業,五十歲以後致力研究草書,成立「草書社」,提倡標準草書。于氏以為草書當以易識、易懂、準確、美麗為原則,倘若印刷用楷、書寫用草,可以節省國人時間精力,強化國家競爭力。本幅書錄《孟子》盡心篇一段文字,取君子固守其分,不因窮達而進退失據之義,自勵勵人。本幅為王新衡先生捐贈。(20110913)&*Yu Youren (style name Boxun), a native of Sanyuan in Shaanxi, followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen in his early years and helped in establishing the Republic of China. After the age of fifty Yu devoted much of his energy to the study of cursive script, forming the Society of Cursive Script and promoting the standardization of cursive. Yu Youren believed that once cursive script became easy to decipher and understand as well as accurate and aesthetic, its use in writing would be like regular script in printing, saving the time and energy of the Chinese while strengthening national competitiveness. This work is a careful transcription of a section from the classic Mencius, citing how a gentleman maintains his cultivation and does not waver in the face of adversity, serving both as encouragement for himself and others. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Wang Hsin-heng.(20110913)