何應欽將軍遺贈書畫展圖錄,頁12,95-96&*汪由敦(一六九二-一七五八),字師茗,號松泉居士,安徽休寧人。二十餘歲即得徐元夢知遇,引薦入京參與明史修纂,而於雍正二年進士及第。乾隆帝即位後,入直內廷,官至吏部尚書,佐理國事不辭勞苦。其間金川之役、準噶爾用兵,均著有勳勞;永定河暴水為患,復親自沿河勘驗,終得疏濬解民所苦。汪氏能作各體書法,行書融會顏體、歐體為一,允稱詞臣中能書高手。本幅為何應欽將軍捐贈。(20110103)&* Wang Youdun (native of Xiuning, Anhui) at twenty-plus met Xu Yuanmeng, who recommended him to the capital, where he became editor for the official Ming history. In 1724, under Yongzheng, he was a Presented Scholar. When Qianlong assumed the throne in 1736, he became part of the Inner Court, serving as Minister of Personnel. Tirelessly devoted to the dynasty, he helped in the Battle of Jinchuan and controlling the Uighur. When Yongding River flooded, he made an inquest, ordering dredging to relieve people’s suffering. Wang was gifted at various calligraphic types; his running script combined the styles of Yan Zhenqing and Ou-yang Xun. He was a capable official and gifted calligrapher. This work was donated by Ho Ying-chin.(20110103)