錢灃(1740-1795),字約甫,號南園,雲南昆明人。乾隆三十六(1771)年進士,曾任監察御史、提督湖南學政等職,有詩文集流傳於世。書法以善學顏真卿著稱於世,楷書結體平正,筆力厚實,能得顏書穩重的氣度,近人學顏字多從錢灃入手。 本件行書七言聯,文云:「清讌但從三益友。高文欲慶百家書。」結體勻稱寬博,用筆豐厚沉穩,得力於顏魯公草稿行書。 李宗黃先生捐贈於民國66年。(20110204)&* Qian Feng (style name Yuefu, sobriquet Nanyuan) was a native of Kunming, Yunnan. He received his Presented Scholar (jinshi) civil service degree in 1771 and served up to the posts of Investigating Censor and Hunan Provincial Education Commissioner, his collection of poetry also surviving to the present day. In calligraphy, he was famous for the study of Yan Zhenqing’s style, his characters in regular script being straight and upright in form with simple yet solid brushwork, capably achieving the steady and solid manner of Yan. In fact, many students of Yan’s style in modern days begin with the works of Qian Feng. This work is a couplet of seven-character lines done in running script. The contents read, “A pure feast and only three good friends; Lofty writing yet celebrating a hundred masters.” The character forms are well-proportioned and magnanimous, the brushwork thick and steady, achieving much of the strength of Yan Zhenqing’s cursive draft and running script. Mr. Li Tsung-huang donated this couplet to the National Palace Museum in 1977.(20110204)