唐太宗貞觀二十二年(西元六四八年)為褒揚玄奘西行取經及譯經功勞,撰〈大唐三藏聖教序〉。後由弘福寺僧懷仁集內府藏王羲之字蹟成篇,高宗咸亨三年(西元六七二年)以此加上太宗答敕、高宗太子時書〈述三藏聖教序〉與答書,及玄奘譯〈心經〉等,由諸葛神力勒石,朱敬藏鐫刻成此碑。原碑存西安碑林,宋元間斷裂,傳世搨本以北宋最早。此本雖無傳世宋拓本損字,然字跡不若宋拓本肥厚,筆劃字口亦不若清晰,推測為摹刻本。 據後副葉跋,璩珩(曾任福建省政務廳廳長)一九一五年購得並重新裝裱。此冊並經許世英、陳經、余誠梧、鄭孝胥、陳樹屏、彭醇士、于右任、高鴻縉、莊嚴題。 胡璩詩方女士捐贈民國七十三年。 (20120106)&* In 648, during the Tang dynasty, “Tripitaka Sacred Teachings Preface of the Great Tang” was composed to commemorate Xuanzang’s trip to India to acquire Buddhist scriptures and his translation. It was later transcribed by Huairen at the Hongfu Temple based on characters in Wang Xizhi’s calligraphy in the imperial collection. In 673 Emperor Gaozong added the imperial decree of Taizong with his own “Account of Tripitaka Sacred Teachings Preface” composed as a prince as well as the response and Xuanzang’s translation of The Heart Sutra. They were written on stone by Zhuge Shenli and engraved by Zhu Jingcang to form this stele. The original was in the “Forest of Steles” in Xi’an but broke during the Song to Yuan period, the earliest surviving rubbing dating from the Northern Song. This work does not show the damaged characters of surviving Song rubbings and their plump writing, nor the strokes are as clear, suggesting a copied engraving. According to the colophon at the end, Quheng (the Fujian Provincial Commissioner) bought this in 1915 and had it remounted. The album was also inscribed by Xu Shiying, Chen Jing, Yu Chengwu, Zheng Xiaoxu, Chen Shuping, Peng Chunshi, Yu Youren, Gao Hungjin, and Zhuang Yen. Ms. Hu Ch’ü-shih donated this work to the National Palace Museum in 1984. (20120106)