緙絲特展圖錄,頁78-79、105&* 金地五彩織。西王母駕鳳乘雲而來,眾女仙齊來祝壽,有採芝、獻桃、捧花、如意、彩鳳等各式吉祥物。裱綾四周裝飾雲鳳水龍、西蕃蓮等,亦為緙絲織成,通幅色彩鮮麗,人物生動,不露織痕。 本幅織製與設色均與「群仙祝壽圖」相同,應為同時製作之對幅。畫幅包首有黃籤題:「萬壽年節掛仁壽殿」,應皆為皇帝皇后祝壽時所用。 &* Woven in colored threads against a golden background is the Queen Mother of the West riding on a phoenix among the clouds as a group of female immortals present offerings. They have spirit fungus, a longevity peach, flowers, and other auspicious objects for long life. The borders of the mounting are also done in tapestry and decorated with such designs as phoenixes in clouds, dragons in water, and passionflowers. The opulent coloring and lively figures were done faultlessly. The weaving and colors here are similar to those of “Immortals Paying Homage to the God of Longevity” and perhaps this was made to accompany it. An inventory label on this work indicates it was hung for an imperial birthday in the Jen-shou Hall.