故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165&*陳嘉言(一五三九-?)。字孔彰,浙江嘉興人。善寫花鳥。畫筆鬆秀,頗臻妙境。此圖取意清新,敷色雅淡,以沒骨兼寫意描繪出枇杷的圓熟鮮潤,而枝葉間啃食枇杷的松鼠,纖毛畢現毛絨可愛。幅上寫意的果實、絲絲工細的毫毛,能如此精妙的配合,正是畫者獨到之處。本幅選自「名人畫扇」冊。&*Ch’en Chia-yen (style name K’ung-chang) came from Chia-hsing in Chekiang. He specialized in painting flowers and birds, his brushwork very accomplished in a loose and relaxed, yet graceful and elegant manner.This representation is very refreshing, and the artist enhanced the charming scene with his choice of delicately-applied colors. He simultaneously utilized the “boneless” impressionistic method to depict the loquats, and a contrasting, more realistic approach for the squirrel. The very essence of a ripe, fresh, moist loquat has been captured through color. A squirrel among the leaves gnawing on a loquat has been realistically represented, its fine hairs life-like and natural. The employment of this impressionistic technique for the fruits, and a careful, realistic rendition of the squirrel’s fine, soft fur, is an exquisite example of the coordination which was the artist’s uniqueness.This work was selected from the Ming Jen Hua Shan.