故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&*孔貞一,生平待考。 畫中故事,或為東坡朝雲圖。畫東坡提筆書於蕉葉上,朝雲對坐侍筆硯,一婢提水前來。梧桐高聳,石則中空露洞,芭蕉葉雜列其間,蓋庭院之一角。金箋作畫,紙性不吸水,墨色淋漓之感猶在,梧桐、芭蕉之葉尖已微枯黃,夏末陰涼之感已生。 本幅選自「明舊畫扇面」冊第三開。 &* This small garden scene depicts Su Tung-p’o (1037-1101), the famous Sung dynasty man of letters, and his favorite concubine, Chao-yün. Tung-p’o is writing on a large plantain leaf while Chao-yün, seated across from him, attends to the inkstone. A woman servant carrying water approaches from one side; the other side of the painting is filled with a rocky outcrop from which protrude plantain leaves and a tall firmiana tree. The tips of the leaves, already slightly withered and yellowed, are harbingers of the coolness of the end of summer. The scene is painted on gold-foil coated paper, whose inabsorbency has made it appear as if the ink is still as moist as when originally applied. &*1.〈明孔貞一桐陰書蕉〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《園林名畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年十月初版),頁77-78。