石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第一冊,頁513&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁211&*牟仲甫,生卒年待考。隨州(今湖北省隨縣)人。畫猿獐猴鹿與易元吉相似,畫雞尤有意趣。 松蔭下雙鹿,旁有翠竹靈芝。二鹿聳起耳朵,目光凝視同方向,似為某事所驚動。畫家以極精緻的筆法,描畫出二鹿的形態,捕捉到自然界中生動微妙的剎那,這就是宋朝畫家的長處。 &*The dates for Mou Chung-fu, a native of Sui-chou (modern Sui-hsien, Hu-chou), remain unknown. His paintings of gibbons, monkeys, and deer were similar in style to those of I Yüan-chi, and he was especially noted for his depictions of chickens. This painting shows two deer in the shade of pine trees with emerald bamboo and spirit fungi. The two deer appear alert as if something has caught their attention; they look off in the same direction beyond the border of the painting. The brushwork is exceptionally fine and delicate. The artist has caught the subtle moment revealing the natural behavior of these cautious animals. Thus, this work demonstrates one of the strong points of Sung artists in terms of realism and naturalism.