石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3158&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁155&* 黃鼎(西元一六六○-一七三○年)字尊古,江蘇常熟人。善山水,法王蒙,學畫於王原祁。生平好遊覽,遇奇山勝景,一一寄之於畫,前人評他「看盡九州山水,下筆遂有生機。」 此冊自識康熙戊戌(一七一八)五月遊蜀,寫眼前景。共八幅,景物各有特色,而風格齊一。畫連峰重嶺,危橋棧道,行旅車騎往來其間,或山谷間溪澗奔流;或旅闕巖關,構景奇巧,筆墨亦有新意。 &*Eight Scenes at Yun-chan Huang Ting (1660-1730) Ch’ing Dynasty Huang Ting studied painting under the orthodox scholar-artist Wang Yuan-ch'i. An avid traveler throughout his life, Huang traveled to many scenic areas and recorded them in his paintings. Later critics would say that these travels allowed him to paint with ease and inspiration. In Huang’s inscription on this album dated to 1718, he indicates that the landscapes are those that he witnessed in his journey through Szechwan. Eight leaves altogether, the scenery of each is unique yet unified by a coherent style. The peaks and ridges are linked by dangerous bridges and treacherous paths plied by carts and travelers. Skillfully arranged compositions are marked by streams and passes done with fresh brushwork. &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十四冊,頁192-195