石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁946&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁6&*沈荃(西元一六二四-一六八四年),江蘇華亭(今上海市)人,字貞蕤,號繹堂,別號充齋,順治進士,官至禮部侍郎,工詩善書,學行醇潔。 沈荃書法初學董其昌,晚歲得力於米芾甚深。他曾於聖祖朝奉召入宮,與皇帝談論古今書法。他的書風充份反映出「康雍之世,專仿香光」的現象,此幅臨顏字卻深受董其昌影響。(20100102)&* Shen Quan (style name Zhenrui; sobriquets Yitang, Chongzhai) was a Presented Scholar under the Kangxi Emperor (r. 1662-1722) and served up to Vice Minister of Rites. Excelling at poetry and calligraphy, Shen’s scholarship and deeds were also pure. Shen at first studied the calligraphy of Dong Qichang (1555-1636), but in later years delved into the style of Mi Fu (1051-1108). Much admired for his calligraphy, he was even summoned to the palace in the Kangxi reign and discussed calligraphy with the emperor. His calligraphy fully reflects the phenomenon of imitating the style of Dong Qichang at the time. This work, though imitating Yan Zhenqing’s (709-785) characters, reflects even more the influence of Dong Qichang’s style.(20100102)