縹緲江岸,蘆葦數株,鵝一隻引頸長鳴,雖有呂紀款印,卻不相類,銳利而較顯單薄的筆風也非其風格。然鵝、蘆葦和對岸坡腳的型態韻味,皆源自呂紀<秋渚水禽>,並得其烟嵐意趣,顯是有所本之作。(20120105)&* On a misty riverbank with several reeds stands a goose calling with its neck outstretched. Although bearing the seal and signature of Lü Ji, this work differs from his others, the sharp and relatively thin brushwork not in his style. Furthermore, the manner of the forms for the goose, reed, and opposing bank motifs all appear to derive from Lü Ji’s “Autumn Shoals and Waterfowl.” Achieving the misty effect of that work, this fan was apparently patterned after it.(20120105)