簡介:"膠紅酵母菌廣泛分佈於全球的陸地、水域以及不同的基質上。 由不同地區的許多來源皆可分離得到此菌:在西班牙,曾於磨成粉末的紅椒 Capsicum frutescens 上分得;在夏威夷,曾於果蠅 (Drosophila pilimanae) 的幼蟲上分得;在智利,曾於腐敗的 Eucryphia cordifolia 上分得;在南法,則曾於黑穗病菌感染的葉片上分得。另外從人類、加熱滅菌的啤酒以及日本和義大利的空氣中,皆亦曾分得。 在台灣海水、河水中都曾被分離到。Rhodotorula mucilaginosaBasidiomycotaFungiThis species of fungus is widely found on terrestrial, aquatic and miscellaneous substrates around the world, and can be isolated from many different sources: found in grounded chili pepper powder (Capsicum frutescens) from Spain; on the maggots of Drosophila pilimanae in Hawaii; obtained from rotten Eucryphia cordifolia in Chile; isolated from Smut fungi-infected leaves from southern France; found on humans, heat sterilized beers and in air from Japan and Italy. This species of fungus have been isolated from the sea and river water of Taiwan. "