簡介:"哥倫布猛獁象是屬於生活於美國的猛獁象之其中一種。在更新世晚期氣候較溫和的時候,它們由亞洲越過白令海峽遷移到北美地區,生活在美洲大陸東南方溫暖草原上,範圍甚至南到現在的墨西哥。在現在北美如佛羅里達州(Florida)、喬治亞州(Georgia)、路易斯安那州(Louisiana)及卡羅來那州(Carolina)等地,都有發現化石的紀錄。 哥倫布猛獁象約3.7公尺高,特徵是門齒向上扭轉彎曲,這是與其他種的美國猛獁象區分的特徵。化石脊椎長鼻目哥倫布猛獁象Mammuthus columbi was one of the Mammuthus living in the United States. They traversed from Asia, crossed Bering Strait and entered to North America in the late Pleistocene when the climate was warm. The distribution was in the areas of warm glass land of the Southeast American Continent and south to Mexico . The US states of Florida , Georgia , Louisiana , and Carolina all reported the discoveries of fossil records. Mammuthus columbi was about 3.7 meters high and its striking characteristics were the incisor twisting and upward pointing."