簡介:"化石脊椎長鼻目嵌齒象Most of the elephants only have a pair of incisors (upper or lower) and only Gomphotherium sp. has the cross sectional incisors. The name of Gomphotherium sp. was given due to the long extending incisor of the lower jaw and the sectional two upper incisors. Gomphotherium sp. lived mainly in the areas of forest, rivers, and lakes with the food of juicy leaves. Gomphotherium sp. is short, but has robust legs enabling them to walk to a long distance. Due to the high mobility, a wide distribution worldwide was discovered ranging from Africa, Europe, Asia and even the American Continent. About 5 million years ago, the number began decreasing and came to the extinction. Another subclass of Elephantoidea including Mammuthus , Stegodon , Palaeoloxodon , African and Asian elephants) was emerging.大多數象的大門牙僅保留一對(上門牙或下門牙),僅有嵌齒象,其上下門齒皆發達且相互交錯生長。嵌齒象的名稱由來,即是根據下顎門牙前端伸長的部分,「嵌」入2顆上門齒之間這一特徵而命名的。 嵌齒象主要生活在樹林、河流湖泊地區,主要的食物是多汁的植物枝葉。嵌齒象的身軀比較低矮,但四肢強壯,擅於行走,遷徙能力很強,所以有不少種類分布極廣。從非洲到歐洲、亞洲,甚至到美洲大陸都有牠們的蹤跡。大約在5百萬年前,牠們逐漸式微、凋零而步入滅絕之路,也逐漸被大象中新興的另一支系真象亞目(包括了猛獁象、劍齒象、古菱齒象、亞洲象與非洲象等)所取代。"