簡介:"動物昆蟲鱗翅目蝴蝶蝶蛺蝶斑蝶雙標紫斑蝶斯氏紫斑蝶琉璃斑蝶Euploea sylvester swinhoei Wallace & Moore, 1866 雙標紫斑蝶 Euploea sylvester swinhoei Wallace & Moore, 1866 Euploea sylvester swinhoei Wallace & Moore, 1866 雙標紫斑蝶,又名斯氏紫斑蝶、琉璃斑蝶。 台灣本島所產的紫斑蝶中,唯有本種在前翅腹面有三個呈三角形頂點排列的藍白色斑點,不難與其他種類區別。卵黃白色,外形略似手槍子彈,表面有類似高爾夫球球面的刻點。幼蟲頭部黑褐色,體色為黃綠色,側面氣門與氣門下線之間為黃色,表面光滑,但在中胸、後胸與腹部第八節背面各具一對細長的肉質突起。蛹為懸蛹。成蟲前翅長約65-67 mm。雄蝶雙翅背面底色皆為黑褐色,前翅背面有紫藍色光澤,近外緣有一排由藍紫色包圍的白色斑點;雄蝶前翅背面近後緣處有兩條近乎平行的灰褐色性斑,翅後緣略為突出為弧形。後翅背面前緣亮灰白色,近外緣也有藍紫色包圍的白色斑點。前翅腹面底色較背面稍亮,但是沒有藍紫色光澤;前翅中央有三個藍白色斑點呈三角形排列,後緣亮灰白色;後翅則為小白斑沿翅外緣分佈。雌蝶與雄蝶類似,但體型較大;前翅背面沒有性斑,腹面則在雄蝶性斑相對應處有兩條藍紫色條紋;前翅後緣較為平直。 本種為中型蝶類。E. sylvester (F.)分布範圍很廣,幾乎涵蓋整個東方區,並向南延伸到新幾內亞與澳洲及一些太平洋島嶼,被區分為36個亞種,台灣的族群被視為特有亞種,是台灣最早被命名發表的五種蝴蝶之一。台灣的亞種分布於全島平地到海拔1000公尺左右山區 ,澎湖也有紀錄;蘭嶼有時會出現菲律賓亞種(E. sylvester laetifica Butler)個體。紫斑蝶類有群集越冬習性,每年秋天全島各地的紫斑蝶開始沿固定蝶道向南部遷移,在隱蔽的山谷中越冬,這類山谷被通稱為紫蝶幽谷。詹(2008)於2001-2003年在高雄縣茂林的調查,聚集的蝶種中以小紫斑蝶(E. tulliolus koxinga Fruhstorfer)數量最多,幾乎佔半數左右,本種與端紫斑蝶則大致相當,各佔約20%。每年三月起越冬紫斑蝶開始遷出蝶谷,五、六月出現越冬後第一代子代。趙等(2007)在台東大武地區所做的調查,則指出歷年的優勢種都是本種,但在2005-06年冬天圓翅紫斑蝶(E. eunice hobsoni (Butler))成為優勢種。成蟲飛行緩慢,喜歡於日照充足的環境中活動。除花蜜外也會吸食地面水分。幼蟲在台灣為單食性,取食蘿藦科的羊角藤(又稱武靴藤),與台灣其他紫斑蝶以桑科為食草植物不同。剛孵化的幼蟲停棲在寄主葉面上,較大的幼蟲則會停棲在蔓藤上。蛹懸掛於寄主或附近植物的枝條、葉片下(濱野,1986﹔李與王,1997,2007;徐,1999;張,1999)。Euploea sylvester swinhoei Introduction 雙標紫斑蝶 Euploea sylvester swinhoei Wallace & Moore, 1866 Of all Purple Crow species in Taiwan , Euploea sylvester swinhoei is the only one with three bluish-white markings forming a triangle on the ventral side of each forewing. Eggs are yellowish-white. Larvae have dark-brown heads and yellowish-green bodies. Pupa type is adheraena . Both male and female adults are the medium-sized ( forewing wingspan is 65-67 mm) with dark-brown backgrounds on dorsal sides of wings and sapphire sheens on dorsal forewings . Near the forewing rim is a row of sapphire-edged white markings. Male E. sylvester swinhoei have two near-parallel sex brands in ash brown near the bottom edge of their arc-shaped dorsal forewings. Anterior rim of dorsal hindwings and bottom rim of ventral forewings are bright ash-white. Outer rim of dorsal hindwing is edged in sapphire with white markings. Lacking the sapphire sheen, the background color of ventral forewings is somewhat brighter than that of dorsal forewings. Females are similar to males, but are larger and have no sex brands . On a female, the male's dorsal forewing sex brands are replaced with two sapphire stripes on the ventral forewing. Females forewings have straighter bottom rims than males. Among t he first five butterfly species recorded from Taiwan , E. sylvester swinhoei is distributed all over Taiwan from lowlands to 1,000 meters in elevation. It is also found in Penghu . Newly hatched larvae perch on the surface of host leaves. Older larvae perch on vines. Pupae hang on branches or underneath leaves of host or neighboring plants. "