簡介:"Hypolimnas bolina keziaIntroduction 琉球紫蛺蝶 Hypolimnas bolina kezia (Butler, 1877) A medium to large butterfly with wingspan of 35-52 mm. Hypolimnas bolina kezia is distributed from lowlands to 2,000 meters in elevation. They are also found in Penghu, Lyudao ( Green Island ), Orchid Island , and Gueishan Island . Adults show sexual dimorphism with great differences in pattern. They produce several generations each year. Adults and larvae are found in all instars year round. Larvae feed on sweet potato ( Dioscorea esculenta , family Convolvulaceae), water convolvulus ( Ipomoea aquatica , family Convolvulaceae), broomjute sida ( Sida rhombifolia spp., family Malvaceae), and axile arrow ( Synedrella nodiflora , family Compositae) . 動物昆蟲蝴蝶蝶蛺蝶琉球紫蛺蝶幻蛺蝶幻紫斑蛺蝶幻紫蝶Hypolimnas bolina kezia (Butler, 1877) 琉球紫蛺蝶 Hypolimnas bolina kezia (Butler, 1877) Hypolimnas bolina kezia (Butler, 1877) 琉球紫蛺蝶,又稱幻蛺蝶、幻紫斑蛺蝶、幻紫蝶。 中大型蝶種,前翅長約35-52mm。雌雄異型且斑紋差異頗大。 一年多世代種,全年可見成蝶及各蟲期,分布於平地至海拔2000公尺左右地區,離島澎湖、綠島、蘭嶼、龜山島亦能見到其蹤跡。幼蟲取食旋花科之甘藷、甕菜、錦葵科之金午時花、菊科之金腰箭。"