簡介:"皇蛾Attacus atlas formosanus為世界上最大之蛾類,其雌、雄形態相若,惟雄蛾觸角較為發達,而雌蛾則翅型較為寬圓,腹部亦較為肥胖。其胸部背方有紅色絨毛,胸腹交接處有白毛形成的橫帶。翅紅褐色,前後翅近中央位置各具一近三角形的透明膜質區域,周圍環繞黑色帶紋;在前翅的膜質三角形左上方上有一長卵型的小透明膜質區域。前翅側緣前端極度內凹,前翅端部明顯向外突出,狀如蛇頭,上緣具一黑色圓斑,似蛇眼,左下方另有一咖啡色橫帶,向蛇嘴,此名「蛇頭蛾」。其寄主植物為茄冬Bischofia javanica Blume、饅頭果Glochidion rubrum Blume、江某Schefflera octophylla(Lour.)Harms、樹杞Ardisia sieboldii Miq.等闊葉木。本種之描述主要引用王效岳(1994)所發表的文獻內容。InsectsMothsAttacus atlas formosanus蛾皇蛾簡介The Atlas moth, Attacus atlas (Linnaeus), is considered as the world largest moth in terms of the total wing surface area which is up to 400 square centimeters. The adult has a wingspan of 20-25 cm or greater, and the females are larger than males in general. Each wing is featured with a scale-free, transparent cell in the middle. The forewing tip is moderately projecting outward, tapering more in males than in females. The Chinese vernacular names of the species are “snake-head moth” or “emperor moth” in literal English. The former is referring to the shape of the forewing tips which resemble a snake’s head; the latter is referring to the grand size of the moth. It is widely distributed in Southeast Asia from India, Malay Peninsula to southern China and Taiwan and has many described subspecies. Each female has a fecundity of about 200 eggs in average. Several eggs are laid one time on the tree bark or the underside of the leaves. The larvae are polyphagous, feeding on several families of plants such as Bischofia javanica Blume, Glochidion rubrum Blume (Euphorbiaceae), Schefflera octophylla Lour, Harms (Araliaceae), and Ardisia sieboldii Miq. (Myrsinaceae). In addition, Psidium guajava, Damnacanthus angustifolius, Cinnamomum verum, and Syzygium samarangense among several others could be used as substitutes in artificial rearing (Wang, 1994). The larvae bear many fleshy projections along the trunk, but are harmless to human beings. A mature larva may be up to 11 cm in length. It takes about 70 days from egg to adult, with 9, 40 and 21 days for egg, larval and pupal stages, respectively. Emergence occurs usually around midnight and the adults fly away by the next night. The mating lasts three to ten hours. Females start laying eggs the night after mating (Wang, 1994). The endemic subspecies A. atlas formosanus is the largest moth in Taiwan. It is bivoltine in northern area. The first generation emerges in May and June, and second in August and September. The species overwinters as pupae. In tropical areas, three to four generations can be bred annually. In the 1970s, the Atlas moth was raised in large number in Taiwan for commercial use. The adults were made into specimen decorations and the cocoons were used to make purses. The population gradually returned its natural states after the insect industry declined in the 1980s."