簡介:"大黃豹天蠶蛾Loepa mirandula為台灣特有種。雌蟲頭頂及前額盾片覆蓋著黃色鱗片。前胸、翼片及肩板覆蓋著深棕色鱗片。雄蟲觸角為四櫛齒狀,雌蟲觸角則為雙櫛齒狀。其飛行期間從七月至十月底。根據採集地點之分佈地圖,推測L. mirandula侷限分佈於中海拔具有典型植披的原始林中。L. mirandula與大陸性的 L. Miranda外部的 外形相似,但其體形較小且雄性生殖器的形態不同。本種敘述主要引用Yen et al.(2000)所發表之文獻內容。 Loepa mirandula Loepa mirandula female with vertex and fronto-clypeus covered by yellow scales. Prothorax, patagia and tegulae covered by dark brown scales. Male antenna quadrupectinate, and female antennae bipectinate. The earliest specimens fly in July, and flight lasts to late October. According to the presently known collecting sites mapped, L. mirandula is more restricted to primary forests with typical vegetation zone at medium elevation. L. mirandula has a habitus closely resembling its most probable sister-species miranda, but is distinct especially in some characters of male genitalia morphology. The description of this speices based on the description of Yen et al. (2000). "
學名原始發表文獻:Shen-Horn Yen, Wolfgang A. Nassig, Stefan Naumann, and Ronald Brechlin. 2000. A new species of the miranda-group of the genus Loepa from Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N.F. 21(3): 153-162.