簡介:" 阿美族製作陶器與日常生活相關,都以生活器皿為主,著重實用的目的。 阿美陶器的用途差異,有炊壺(陶甗)、陶甕、陶鍋、陶壺、陶碗、酒壺祭器、紡垂、捕魚重垂、陶偶等不相同的樣式與名稱。 阿美族製陶凡是婦女皆可擔任製陶師,以塑揑法再用拍打的方式將粗坯拍成形;製陶工具有木拍板(拍製陶器)、陶圈墊座(支持陶器)、鵝卵石墊石(與拍板一起使用,墊石在內側輕拍塑形)、竹刮刀(用以切泥、收頸、擴口、修邊)。 炊壺或稱陶甗(tatolonan):特點在由二個陶鍋(koreng)疊合而成葫蘆形,中間以一個koreng為底隔開,用工具穿許多小孔,為雙耳壺把,屬於飲食加工器具。 Amis-Cooking Pot -Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-阿美-炊壺T he ceramics made by the Amis were mostly connected to daily life needs and were practical in nature. The different ceramic items-- the cooking pot, ceramic urn, ceramic pot, ceramic bowl, wine ceremonial wine pot, spindle, weights for fishing and cermics figures etc were different in form and had different names. Amis women of all ages engagd in ceramic making, first kneading the clay and then beating the blank into shape. Ceramics making tools included the clapper, the support, cobblstone support stone (used with the clapper, lighting hitting the worked piece with the support inside to form the desired shape) and the knife for cutting and trimming the piece. The ceramic cooking pots tatolonan was made by joining two koreng pots to make a bitter gourd shaped object. One koreng was placed atop another and holes made in the seperating clay layer. They had two handles."