簡介:"Amis-Lunch box-Ethnology-原住民-民族誌-標本-阿美-便當盒T he lunch box was used by the Amis when working in the fields or in hunting to carry sticky rice cake or rice. They were made from rattan strip and some had rattan strip straps connecting the body of the box and the lid. In Amis society woven containers were used on a daily basis for storing and carrying things. This highly developed handicraft was mainly used to provide for the people's own needs. 便當盒是盛置器具之一,是阿美族人外出農作或狩獵時必須攜帶的用具。用以放置糯米糕或米飯,以籐篾製成,有時器身附有籐篾帶,繫住籐包和套蓋兩部分。 阿美族社會中,編器為日常生活裡盛置和運輸的重要器具,這個相當發達的編器工藝,最主要是自給自足的基本需求。 "